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Mexico’s Fight for National Banking Revives a Forgotten History
Mexico’s Fight for National Banking Revives a Forgotten History
February 14, 2020

Obrador’s stated aim is to have 13 000 branches built across Mexico which would far outnumber the total number of all private banks and will also provide a vital tool for the economic liberation of Mexico.

One paragraph to US-UK trade negotiations is all you need to know about a deal with America
November 30, 2019

ISDS – gives multinational corporations a stranglehold over elected parliaments and national courts and tear apart public health and protection policies at the same time. A US-UK trade deal is hardly “taking back control.”

One paragraph to US-UK trade negotiations is all you need to know about a deal with America
Editor's Сhoice
What the Trump-Trudeau Meeting Was Really About
What the Trump-Trudeau Meeting Was Really About
February 19, 2017

The biggest issue between Canada and the United States now is something even worse than NAFTA: it’s CETA, a treaty between Canada and the European Union, which would not only drive wages down, but enable international corporations — including American ones — to sue taxpayers in both Canada and the EU, for even enforcing their existing laws regulating the environment, product-safety, and workers’ rights. 

A Trump Administration and US Domestic Policy
November 14, 2016

With the incoming administration of Donald J Trump what can we expect the new President to do domestically in the United States? President-elect Trump will be the first occupant of the Oval Office with no previous political or military experience. That in part is why he was elected. To be a completely new fresh force in Washington DC and to take a wrecking ball to the established DC elites. Now that he has been elected President thanks to the Electoral College, not the overall popular vote, what will he actually do within his first 100 days?..

A Trump Administration and US Domestic Policy
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The Day Vladimir Putin Passed NAFTA
Editor's Сhoice
The Day Vladimir Putin Passed NAFTA
November 7, 2016

The U.S. is entering a dangerous political phase where a distant and cloistered political class threatens the use of state power to legitimize itself in the face of declining popular support and serial military calamities of its own making. In 2001 the George W. Bush administration used the opaque and as yet not fully explained events of 9/11 to claim legitimacy as faux protector of the American people as it launched catastrophic wars that destroyed Iraq and Afghanistan and unleashed ongoing chaos across the Middle East.

Jeb Bush, the Mexican Drug Cartel and “Free Trade”. The Bush Family and Organized Crime
May 16, 2015

Jeb Bush is a presidential candidate. But Jeb is not only the brother of George W. and the son of George H. W. Bush.

Jeb Bush, the Mexican Drug Cartel and “Free Trade”. The Bush Family and Organized Crime
Editor's Сhoice