Tag: Mujahedin-e Khalq

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Washington’s Terrorist Friends: Prominent Americans Continue to Support a Murderous Cult
Washington’s Terrorist Friends: Prominent Americans Continue to Support a Murderous Cult
August 5, 2021

MEK is a curious hybrid creature that pretends to be an alternative government option for Iran even though it is despised by nearly all Iranians.

A Killing in Iran: Who Gains From Yet Another Assassination?
December 3, 2020

A direct role by the Trump Administration in the assassination of Iranian scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh should not be ruled out, Philip Giraldi writes.

A Killing in Iran: Who Gains From Yet Another Assassination?
Assassination Strengthens Iranian Hardliners; Weakens Chances of Renewed Nuclear Deal
Editor's Сhoice
Assassination Strengthens Iranian Hardliners; Weakens Chances of Renewed Nuclear Deal
November 30, 2020

On Friday Iran’s top nuclear scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, was assassinated in the Iranian city of Absard outside of Tehran. First, a truck with explosives blew up near the car carrying Fakhrizadeh. Then, gunmen started firing on Fakhrizadeh’s car.

That Time Hillary Clinton Removed John Bolton’s Favorite Terror Cult From the Terrorist List
July 5, 2018

In the real world, Trump is advancing longstanding deep state agendas using longstanding deep state tactics. If I still have any readers left who are QAnon enthusiasts, I challenge you to put the MEK in your research crosshairs for a while and see what you find.

That Time Hillary Clinton Removed John Bolton’s Favorite Terror Cult From the Terrorist List
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NATO’s Terrorist Bases in Europe
NATO’s Terrorist Bases in Europe
June 13, 2018

After ISIL forces were routed in Syria and Iraq, the United States pressured Albania to allow the Islamist terrorists to join their MEK allies in Albania.

This Group Hopes to Push America toward Regime Change in Iran
July 19, 2017

American policymakers and pundits have an unfortunate history of embracing odious foreign political movements that purport to be democratic. During the Cold War, embarrassing episodes included Washington’s support for the Nicaraguan Contras and Jonas Savimbi’s National Union for the Total Independence of Angola…

This Group Hopes to Push America toward Regime Change in Iran
Editor's Сhoice
The menacing plots of Mujahedin-e Khalq for Iran
The menacing plots of Mujahedin-e Khalq for Iran
July 9, 2012

The ill-omened, inauspicious plots of the terrorist gang Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) against Iran seem to have no end. The recent letter signed by 44 U.S. Senators addressed to President Obama in which it was implied that time for diplomacy with Iran is over and other options to deal with Iran's nuclear program should be considered is said to be a magnum opus of MKO…