Tag: Morell

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Biden’s Politics of Impunity
Biden’s Politics of Impunity
December 30, 2020

Biden’s choices point towards an acceptance of torture. The extension of impunity is something that each U.S. president covets, almost in parallel with how the CIA operates.

Trump the Russian Puppet. A Story That Just Will Not Die
September 12, 2019

Certainly, there are many things that President Trump can rightly be criticized for, but it is interesting to note how the media and chattering classes continue to be in the grip of the irrational “Trump derangement syndrome (TDS).”

Trump the Russian Puppet. A Story That Just Will Not Die
Parallel Universe Thoughts on Improving Russia-West Relations
Parallel Universe Thoughts on Improving Russia-West Relations
September 28, 2018

Foreign policy recommendations are influenced by a given mindset – something quite evident when listening to Hadley and Morrell. On Russia-related matters, their views unfortunately dominate the US political establishment.

Bad Moon: (Trouble) Rising
December 18, 2017

A Bad Moon is rising: America is polarised at home; unitive government has splintered into departments at odds with each other, and with officials leaking on each other; with fake news abounding; with Congress gridlocked, and with American social and political fabric tearing apart.

Bad Moon: (Trouble) Rising
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Who Is Michael Morell?
Editor's Сhoice
Who Is Michael Morell?
January 17, 2017

“No doubt Putin is playing Trump!” Yes, former CIA Deputy Director Mike Morell is indeed at it again. During the presidential campaign he repeatedly attacked Donald Trump as an “unwitting agent of the Russian Federation.” In the same vein, anonymous CIA officials have supposedly provided evidence of our new president’s nefarious dealings with the Kremlin and its agents…

Hillary Clinton: Candidate of Military Industrial Complex
August 25, 2016

A tally of 22 retired general and flag officers have endorsed Hillary Clinton as the Democratic candidate is seizing the national security agenda from her Republican rival Donald Trump. John Allen, the marine general and former NATO commander known for keeping away from politics, is Clinton’s highest-profile endorsement from the military thus far…

Hillary Clinton: Candidate of Military Industrial Complex