Tag: Evo Morales

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Morales accuses Arce of “self-coup” – Bolivia’s political crisis deepens
Morales accuses Arce of “self-coup” – Bolivia’s political crisis deepens
July 6, 2024

The U.S. appears to be following a long-haul model that seeks to use weak forces like gravity to change the situation over time.

The Glory of the American Experiment
November 15, 2021

The problem is the U.S. does not want other peoples to decide how they want to live. It wants America Über Alles.

The Glory of the American Experiment
Bolivia – Justice After the U.S.-Backed Coup
Bolivia – Justice After the U.S.-Backed Coup
March 19, 2021

If human rights were really a concern for those opposing Anez’s arrest, the same critics would have intervened on an equal level over the violence unleashed in the aftermath of the coup.

Bolivia Heading Towards Cooperative Politics and Economy
February 8, 2021

Half of the country’s revenues still come from natural gas and oil. Agricultural production is second. Arce wishes to diversify the economy, Ron Ridenour writes.

Bolivia Heading Towards Cooperative Politics and Economy
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Elon Musk’s Coup Stooge Áñez Arrested Trying to Escape Bolivian Justice
Elon Musk’s Coup Stooge Áñez Arrested Trying to Escape Bolivian Justice
November 28, 2020

The successful prosecution of Áñez will help bring closure to a troubled, if brief, chapter in the long trajectory of independence, national liberation, and self-determination for Bolivia and its 11 million people.

A Hero’s Welcome: Inside Evo Morales’ Triumphant Return Tour
November 15, 2020

The return of Evo Morales to Bolivia on Monday, November 9, one day after President Luis Arce’s inauguration, marked the formal end of last year’s U.S.-backed coup.

A Hero’s Welcome: Inside Evo Morales’ Triumphant Return Tour
Editor's Сhoice
Morales’ Socialist Party Wins Election
Editor's Сhoice
Morales’ Socialist Party Wins Election
October 22, 2020

A victory for the majority of Bolivians, a victory for the world’s poor, the indigenous, and supporters of equality, world peace, bread and land for all. October 19 exit polls show that the majority’s leader, Luis Arce, and running mate David Choquehuanca Céspedes, won the election.

At Last, a Small Ray of Hope for Bolivia
October 21, 2020

To no one’s real surprise, Bolivia’s deposed President Evo Morales was resoundingly vindicated in last Sunday’s election.

At Last, a Small Ray of Hope for Bolivia