Tag: Monarchy

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A Royal Coronation Screw-Up
A Royal Coronation Screw-Up
April 26, 2023

Queen Elizabeth’s unworthy progeny have failed dismally and in every sense to emulate herб Stephen Karganovic writes.

That’s Enough Monarchy Now
September 9, 2022

Charles is a woolly liberal environmentalist with a genuine if superficial attachment to multi-culturalism. He has let it be known he deplores deportations to Rwanda. He is now going to be fitting into his role while government in his name is carried out by crazed right-wing ideologues, who want a massive push to produce more fossil fuels. Could be worth getting in the popcorn.

That’s Enough Monarchy Now
Editor's Сhoice
Our Elective Monarchy
Editor's Сhoice
Our Elective Monarchy
September 16, 2021

We are now approaching an inflection point in the United States: Do we want an elective monarchy, or not? A great many Americans seem perfectly comfortable with such a system, so long as the president is of their party.

VIDEO: At Least Prince Charles Tried
June 3, 2020

The sun may finally be setting on the British Monarchy.

VIDEO: At Least Prince Charles Tried
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At Least Prince Charles Tried: #PickForBritain Break Down
At Least Prince Charles Tried: #PickForBritain Break Down
May 30, 2020

Any attempts to show relevance for the sake of-self preservation are worth it for those like Prince Charles. They still have a few decades before the sun finally sets on the British Empire.