Tag: Mitchell

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American War Declaration
American War Declaration
October 22, 2018

As far as official Washington is concerned, Moscow's resistance to the Imperium can only mean that it wants to crush the US, break it up, incite civil war and impose its imperium on the world. But if you look in a mirror you see yourself.

Atlantic Council Podium Used to Force European Allies to March in Step
October 21, 2018

Here is what independence à l'américaine is like, with the United States’ friends and allies absolutely free to comply with their protector’s instructions offering specific guidance about almost everything they do.

Atlantic Council Podium Used to Force European Allies to March in Step
The US 2019 Defense Budget Bill: Congress Defies the New World Order
The US 2019 Defense Budget Bill: Congress Defies the New World Order
July 28, 2018

This policy goes beyond weapons deals to encompass economic issues. Forget about the international rules stipulated by the UN Charter and WTO documents — “arms-twisting” has become an element of US foreign policy.

Macedonia Removes an Obstacle on Its Path to NATO but Every Decision Has a Downside to Consider
June 19, 2018

What the people of that country will gain is unclear. Their national interests will be eclipsed by the foreign-policy goals of other major players.

Macedonia Removes an Obstacle on Its Path to NATO but Every Decision Has a Downside to Consider
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US State Department Tells Syria What It Can and Can’t Do on Its Own Soil
US State Department Tells Syria What It Can and Can’t Do on Its Own Soil
May 29, 2018

The United States’ goal is the partition of Syria, with large swaths of its territory remaining under America’s control, including the Daraa province.

Kosovo — an Illegal Entity Annexed and Ruled by NATO — Is to Create a Regular Army
May 10, 2018

A part of Serbia has been snatched away to create a territory controlled by NATO. But that does not prevent Western leaders from pontificating about the need to play by the rules in the world today. Is there a better example of hypocrisy?

Kosovo — an Illegal Entity Annexed and Ruled by NATO — Is to Create a Regular Army
Stumbling into Big War: Hands on the Trigger in Syria’s South
Stumbling into Big War: Hands on the Trigger in Syria’s South
April 22, 2018

The US has influence over Israel, whose covert or overt support of the rebels in southern Syria is an open secret. Washington can prevent this situation from backsliding into a dangerous confrontation. It can also deliberately fan tensions in pursuit of its political goals.

Wess Mitchell Nominated As US Chief Diplomat for European Affairs
July 26, 2017

President Donald Trump announced on July 19 his intent to nominate Wess Mitchell as Assistant Secretary of State, European and Eurasian Affairs.

Wess Mitchell Nominated As US Chief Diplomat for European Affairs