Tag: Migration

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Trump should drop plans for travel ban
Editor's Сhoice
Trump should drop plans for travel ban
March 21, 2025

The White House should set standards rather than impose prohibitions.

Posteo doble: Los franceses, a pesar de las claras advertencias, trajeron el Campamento de los Santos a Francia y ¿Qué debe hacer Trump?
March 16, 2025

Francia se está muriendo. Es una muerte gradual. Un distrito comercial a la vez. Un barrio a la vez. Un restaurante, un negocio, un teatro, un hotel aquí y allá. Cada muerte es tan triste, pero se puede sobrevivir. Pero a medida que las muertes graduales se acumulan, se convierten en un todo, y ahora Francia se está muriendo. 

Posteo doble: Los franceses, a pesar de las claras advertencias, trajeron el Campamento de los Santos a Francia y ¿Qué debe hacer Trump?
Come l’Occidente tratta gli immigrati come semplici ingranaggi umani
Come l’Occidente tratta gli immigrati come semplici ingranaggi umani
February 28, 2025

Nella ricerca senza fine della massimizzazione del profitto, tutti sono sacrificati-immigrati e nativi allo stesso modo.

How the West treats immigrants as mere human cogs
February 23, 2025

In the endless pursuit of profit maximization, everyone is sacrificed—immigrants and natives alike.

How the West treats immigrants as mere human cogs
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Como o Ocidente trata os imigrantes como meras engrenagens humanas
Como o Ocidente trata os imigrantes como meras engrenagens humanas
February 21, 2025

Na busca sem fim pela maximização dos lucros, todos são sacrificados, dos imigrantes aos nativos.

Bolsonaro permitió la humillación de brasileños en EE.UU. ¿Lula va a acabar con eso?
February 15, 2025

Brasil sigue en crisis y la situación general de los trabajadores continúa degradándose.

Bolsonaro permitió la humillación de brasileños en EE.UU. ¿Lula va a acabar con eso?
In the U.S., pro-immigration leftism is only possible with bad schools
In the U.S., pro-immigration leftism is only possible with bad schools
February 12, 2025

Brazilian educated class would better stop idolizing or abhorring a Supreme Court minister as if he were anything other than a byproduct of U.S. imperialism and institutions.

The U.S. should not take over Gaza
February 11, 2025

This week, President Trump upended US Middle East policy by announcing that the United States would “take over” war-ravaged Gaza and turn it into “the Riviera of the Middle East.” President Trump also said the Palestinians living in Gaza would be (temporarily?) relocated to Jordan or Egypt.

The U.S. should not take over Gaza
Editor's Сhoice