Tag: Medvedev

Washington está dividiendo activamente a la UE en favor de un eje rabiosamente rusófobo Vilna-Varsovia-Kiev.

Washington is actively splitting the EU in favor of a rabidly Russophobic Vilnius-Warsaw-Kiev axis.

The Munich Security Conference (MSC) was founded in 1963 as «Internationale Wehrkunde-Begegnung». Since that time it has become the major global forum for the discussion of security policy. Each February, it brings together more than 450 senior decision-makers from around the world to engage in an intensive debate on current and future security challenges…

…A long time experience of arms control testifies Washington doesn’t understand the language of polite diplomacy, but rather practical military-technical actions making it also face the complex challenges to its own security. While Russia’s and US technical experts discuss some missile defense aspects till the end of this year it’s expedient to come out with a simple but logical step (if such a proposal has not been put forward to the White House as yet): to freeze further deployment of US and NATO missile defense in Europe till the experts’ work is done. It’ll make their efforts more fruitful.