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Was the Tehran jet crash a criminal act?
Editor's Сhoice
Was the Tehran jet crash a criminal act?
January 10, 2020

Ukrainian Airlines flight PS752 crashed after takeoff from Iran’s Imam Khomeini International Airport on Wednesday, killing everyone on board. Information is not yet complete, but if it was shot down by a missile – as some early evidence suggests – Iran should be held accountable.

Indian Army VSHORAD Tender: Russia Bags Another Huge Arms Deal
November 23, 2018

Russia and India have an almost 60-year history of military cooperation that ensures that Moscow will be an indispensable supplier of defense equipment and weaponry for the foreseeable future.

Indian Army VSHORAD Tender: Russia Bags Another Huge Arms Deal
Russia’s Verba MANPADS Saves Lives of Innocent People in Syria
Russia’s Verba MANPADS Saves Lives of Innocent People in Syria
August 8, 2017

Deployed in the Eastern Ghouta region near Damascus, the Russian modern 9K333 Verba man-portable air defense system (MANPADS) hit a drone used by Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham terrorist group to shell populated areas of the Syrian capital, including the Russian embassy. The attack occurred on August 3. The de-escalation zone was announced in Eastern Ghouta on August 2 but the terrorist group did not comply.

NDAA Leaves Door Open for U.S. to Send Syrian Rebels Missiles That Can Shoot Down Planes
December 19, 2016

Congress has quietly added a provision to the renewal of the National Defense Authorization Act that would leave the door open for the U.S. government to send anti-aircraft missiles to militants in Syria. This comes as President Obama is further lifting restrictions on providing weapons and other military support to Syrian rebels…

NDAA Leaves Door Open for U.S. to Send Syrian Rebels Missiles That Can Shoot Down Planes
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What is Going on in Syria?
What is Going on in Syria?
July 13, 2016

What is going on in Syria? On the one hand, there was a temporary «ceasefire» to mark Eid al-Fitr and the end of Ramadan. John Kerry, the US Secretary of State, said there were discussions underway to extend it. Since the United States did not support the previous February ceasefire, one has to suppose that Kerry’s comments were just American jive. On the other hand, I put the word ceasefire in quotation marks because there appears to be heavy fighting underway just about everywhere in Syria. A Russian helicopter, for example, was shot down last Saturday by jihadists near Palmyra. Were they using American MANPADS?..

Verba MANPADS: Incredible Weapon Only Russia Has
June 10, 2016

Traditionally Russia is ranked among world's leading manufacturers of air defense weapons. Here is another proof of this fact. The 9K333 Verba is Russia’s newest man-portable, shoulder-fired air defense missile system designed to detect and destroy unmanned aerial vehicles, cruise missiles and other low-flying air targets…

Verba MANPADS: Incredible Weapon Only Russia Has
Why Obama Prioritizes Ousting Assad Over Defeating Syria’s Jihadists (I)
Why Obama Prioritizes Ousting Assad Over Defeating Syria’s Jihadists (I)
April 16, 2016

Dr Christina Lin, a leading young scholar on jihadist groups, opens her April 8th commentary at Asia Times: «In a blunder reeking of the fallout caused by supplying Stinger anti-aircraft missiles to 1980s mujahideen in Afghanistan, civilian airline passengers are now under threat from Syrian jihadists armed with portable surface-to-air missiles (MANPADS).

Russia Pulls Out of Syria: First Assessment of Battlefield Performance
March 18, 2016

With the mission accomplished and most of Russian aircraft returning to home bases, the time has come for military experts to assess the efficiency and experience of Russian operation in Syria…

Russia Pulls Out of Syria: First Assessment of Battlefield Performance