Tag: Macedonia

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British meddling in Macedonia backfires, exposing coup machinations
Editor's Сhoice
British meddling in Macedonia backfires, exposing coup machinations
June 15, 2024

Charles Garrett, an apparent British intel agent, teamed up with a local prosecutor to wrongfully indict Macedonian public figures and topple the country’s government. Everywhere Garrett goes in the region, coups seem to follow.

Breaking Up Is So Very Hard to Do
February 27, 2020

Breaking up is hard to do, especially if the political divorce is not sanctioned by the marriage counselors of Washington, London, Paris, and Brussels

Breaking Up Is So Very Hard to Do
The NATO/EU Rape of ‘Complex’ Macedonia
The NATO/EU Rape of ‘Complex’ Macedonia
October 31, 2018

It’s officially open season on all the world’s “complex” countries – and guess who gets to define “complex” – should they ever even contemplate voting the “wrong way,” as interpreted by the West’s arbiters of democracy, even the avowed “non-interventionists” in the White House.

After Embarrassing Defeat, NATO, EU and the West Try to Alter Reality in Macedonia
October 3, 2018

The West has lost more than just legitimacy in Macedonia – it has damaged its reputation, perhaps irretrievably. In the words of former presidential advisor Cvetin Chilimanov, “The West has humiliated us.”

After Embarrassing Defeat, NATO, EU and the West Try to Alter Reality in Macedonia
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Macedonia and the US-NATO Cold War
Macedonia and the US-NATO Cold War
September 24, 2018

Macedonia will probably become a member of the US-NATO anti-Russia military alliance and the confrontation with Russia will continue to escalate in the new US-NATO Cold War.

How Macedonia Could Push NATO into a War
August 27, 2018

The situation in the Balkans is not akin to the one that existed on the eve of World War I and plunged Europe (and ultimately America) into that catastrophe. But a needless entanglement even in a petty, limited armed conflict is one entanglement too many.

How Macedonia Could Push NATO into a War
Editor's Сhoice
What’s in a Name? Everything and Nothing
What’s in a Name? Everything and Nothing
June 21, 2018

Resurgent nationalism across the globe are keeping mapmakers and diplomats busy. Country name changing is the current vogue and there are no signs that it will end anytime soon.

Macedonia Removes an Obstacle on Its Path to NATO but Every Decision Has a Downside to Consider
June 19, 2018

What the people of that country will gain is unclear. Their national interests will be eclipsed by the foreign-policy goals of other major players.

Macedonia Removes an Obstacle on Its Path to NATO but Every Decision Has a Downside to Consider