Tag: Luis Arce

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Morales accuses Arce of “self-coup” – Bolivia’s political crisis deepens
Morales accuses Arce of “self-coup” – Bolivia’s political crisis deepens
July 6, 2024

The U.S. appears to be following a long-haul model that seeks to use weak forces like gravity to change the situation over time.

GIEI Report Confirms Human Rights Violations in the 2019 U.S.-Backed Coup in Bolivia
August 23, 2021

Bolivia’s victims are victims of a U.S.-backed coup, and U.S.-funded political violence should equally share the spotlight now highlighting Anez’s short-lived legacy of human rights violations in Bolivia.

GIEI Report Confirms Human Rights Violations in the 2019 U.S.-Backed Coup in Bolivia
Bolivia Heading Towards Cooperative Politics and Economy
Bolivia Heading Towards Cooperative Politics and Economy
February 8, 2021

Half of the country’s revenues still come from natural gas and oil. Agricultural production is second. Arce wishes to diversify the economy, Ron Ridenour writes.

A Hero’s Welcome: Inside Evo Morales’ Triumphant Return Tour
November 15, 2020

The return of Evo Morales to Bolivia on Monday, November 9, one day after President Luis Arce’s inauguration, marked the formal end of last year’s U.S.-backed coup.

A Hero’s Welcome: Inside Evo Morales’ Triumphant Return Tour
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The Threat of Peace… Why America Needs War With Russia and How To Stop It
The Threat of Peace… Why America Needs War With Russia and How To Stop It
October 31, 2020

In an interview for Strategic Culture Foundation, veteran activist and author Ron Ridenour shares his insights on the prospects of war and peace

Bolivia Needs to Guard Itself Against Further U.S. Intervention
October 29, 2020

Regional and international solidarity with Bolivia is imperative in order to isolate U.S. interference and to allow Bolivia to rebuild itself from the deprivation ushered in a single year of U.S.-backed dictatorship rule.

Bolivia Needs to Guard Itself Against Further U.S. Intervention
America Has No Allies, Only Hostages
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America Has No Allies, Only Hostages
October 22, 2020

The new president-elect of Bolivia, Luis Arce, has told the Spanish international news agency EFE that he intends to restore the nation’s relations with Cuba, Venezuela and Iran. This reverses the policies of the US-backed coup regime which immediately began closing embassies, kicking out doctors and severing relations with those nations after illegally seizing power last year.

Morales’ Socialist Party Wins Election
October 22, 2020

A victory for the majority of Bolivians, a victory for the world’s poor, the indigenous, and supporters of equality, world peace, bread and land for all. October 19 exit polls show that the majority’s leader, Luis Arce, and running mate David Choquehuanca Céspedes, won the election.

Morales’ Socialist Party Wins Election
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