Tag: Lugo

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A Progressive President of Paraguay Was Never in the CIA’s Cards
A Progressive President of Paraguay Was Never in the CIA’s Cards
July 14, 2012

The recent «institutional coup» against President Fernando Lugo of Paraguay reflects a long-standing desire by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to prevent any candidate not reflecting the policies of Paraguay’s entrenched oligarchy from ever attaining the presidency of that nation… In the CIA’s world, any leader, no matter how blood thirsty and dictatorial, was fine as long as they remained pro-Western… 

Parliamentary Coup in Paraguay
July 4, 2012

In the last couple of days, some of my colleagues have been arguing about the coup in Paraguay Republic, and they stated as follows, M. Riorda said: “Political Science has today included a new and pitiful category: "Parliamentary Coup". Another speaker, D. Zovatto Garetto would describe it: If collective defense mechanisms of democracy, being these regional or sub-regional, are mocked by two of the weakest countries in the region, Honduras and Paraguay, the credibility of the latter is sentenced to death…

Parliamentary Coup in Paraguay
The Paraguay Coup: Carefully Organized, Assisted by Unidentified Snipers
The Paraguay Coup: Carefully Organized, Assisted by Unidentified Snipers
June 27, 2012

The operation launched by the US Department of State and the CIA with the aim of displacing Paraguay's first leftist president Fernando Lugo entered the final phase on June 16, when police forces were dispatched to evict squatters from the Morumbí farm in the Curuguaty district, near the Brazilian border… The storyline does not sound exotic considering how often US citizens get caught with sniper rifles across Latin America, as recently in Argentine and Bolivia. The CIA, DEA, and the US Defense Intelligence Agency routinely hire contractors to pull off covert operations with firearms being used…