Tag: Lockdown

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Blame Woke Authoritarians COVID for Learning Loss
Editor's Сhoice
Blame Woke Authoritarians COVID for Learning Loss
December 29, 2023

The Program for International Assessment (PSA) recently released its 2022 assessment of the math and reading skills of students from over 200 countries. This is the first assessment since 2018 and it provides more evidence that schoolchildren were damaged by the COVID hysteria. American students’ math scores were lower than 27 of the 38 members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The other OECD countries do not have any reason to celebrate, as the average math scores of students in all OECD countries declined by 17 points.

How Covid Lockdowns Primed the Current Financial Crisis
March 17, 2023

The lockdowns and the stimulus required to keep the economy alive helped drive inflation. Then the Fed jacked up interest rates. And all hell broke loose.

How Covid Lockdowns Primed the Current Financial Crisis
Editor's Сhoice
Betting All on Hegemony; Risking All, To Stave Off Ruin
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Betting All on Hegemony; Risking All, To Stave Off Ruin
March 13, 2023

The West is too dysfunctional and weak now to fight on all fronts. Yet there can be no retreat without some de-legitimising humiliation of the West.

State Power and Covid Crimes
January 5, 2023

The three major controversies over pandemic management for the past three years have been lockdown measures, universal masking recommendations and mandates, and Covid vaccines. 

State Power and Covid Crimes
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18 Times Boris Johnson Was Accused of Breaking Rules – and Got Away With It
Editor's Сhoice
18 Times Boris Johnson Was Accused of Breaking Rules – and Got Away With It
January 26, 2022

From illegal lockdown parties to secret financial interests, the prime minister has a long history of sailing close to the wind.

The Lesson of Covid: When People Are Anxious, Isolated and Hopeless, They’re Less Ready To Think Critically
January 7, 2022

The corporate media is not our friend. Its coverage of the pandemic is not there to promote the public good. It is there to feed our anxieties, keep us coming back for more, and monetize that distress. The only cure for this sickness? A lot more critical thinking.

The Lesson of Covid: When People Are Anxious, Isolated and Hopeless, They’re Less Ready To Think Critically
Editor's Сhoice
The Strategy Session, Episode 39
The Strategy Session, Episode 39
December 16, 2021

Internationally published journalist Robert Bridge explains some of the big problems he sees in the break-down of civil society in Austria. New mandates pose a big problem, and threaten to entirely eliminate important lessons learned in the 20th century about coercion and freedom.

The EU’s Case for Lockdowns and Blackouts – Hoping to Contain Inflation (to Save the Euro)
December 14, 2021

In technical terms, the euro was born to be deflationary, Marco Rocco writes. The aim was to devalue the euro to favour, particularly, German exports.

The EU’s Case for Lockdowns and Blackouts – Hoping to Contain Inflation (to Save the Euro)