Tag: Leon Trotsky

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The theory of permanent revolution and the precedents of the Korean revolution
The theory of permanent revolution and the precedents of the Korean revolution
April 12, 2024

The semi-colonial rule of imperialism over South Korea stopped the national-democratic revolution of the Korean people. It will only conclude with the liberation of South Korea and the reunification of the entire peninsula independently of imperialism, writes Eduardo Vasco.

Controlled Opposition, Jesuits and Counter-gangs: Robespierre, Trotsky, Bannon and Miles Guo [The Great Game this Week]
August 13, 2022

What unites the careers and psychological profiles of Maximilian Robespierre, Leon Trotsky, Steve Bannon and Miles Guo across space and time?

Controlled Opposition, Jesuits and Counter-gangs: Robespierre, Trotsky, Bannon and Miles Guo [The Great Game this Week]
Editor's Сhoice
Why Putin Criticized the Bolshevik Counter Revolution: Trotsky, Parvus and the War on Civilization
Why Putin Criticized the Bolshevik Counter Revolution: Trotsky, Parvus and the War on Civilization
November 1, 2021

Doesn’t Putin respect Soviet Russian accomplishments including the sacrifices made to put down Hitler? How could Putin be a true anti-imperialist if he is an anti-revolutionary?

Is Biden Really Pro-Labor? Daniel Lazare Retorts to Wayne Madsen
February 6, 2020

More than 80 years ago, a strange madness swept through the international leftwing movement when Stalin accused a pair of “Old Bolsheviks” of plotting with both Hitler and the exiled Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky to overthrow the Soviet Union…

Is Biden Really Pro-Labor? Daniel Lazare Retorts to Wayne Madsen
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Beware of the Scheming Trotskyists
Beware of the Scheming Trotskyists
January 25, 2020

Trotskyists are performing the same factionalized politics today that pervaded the 1930s and gave rise to Adolf Hitler in Germany, Benito Mussolini in Italy, and Francisco Franco in Spain, Wayne Madsen writes.