Tag: Lenin Moreno

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Secret chats expose decade of U.S. meddling in Ecuador
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Secret chats expose decade of U.S. meddling in Ecuador
September 2, 2024

Exclusive interviews and leaked messages reveal how a key ally of the US weaponized the fight against corruption and criminal organizations to selectively prosecute Ecuador’s heads of state, viciously persecuting Rafael Correa and his Revolución Ciudadana movement on flimsy evidence, while delaying investigations into much graver crimes allegedly committed by his successors.

U.S.-Backed Ecuador Government Tries Stopping Socialist Electoral Victory
February 26, 2021

If Arauz wins the presidency, he may appoint an important economist and ideologist of the “Citizens Revolution” to a government post, Ron Ridenour writes.

U.S.-Backed Ecuador Government Tries Stopping Socialist Electoral Victory
Neither Lenin, nor Moreno
Neither Lenin, nor Moreno
February 13, 2021

The clear rejection by the Ecuadoran electorate of Moreno and everything he stands for is bound to perturb those who imagine that thеse countries and their ancient peoples are squatters in their “back yard.”

How Ecuador Descended Into COVID-19 Chaos
April 22, 2020

Ecuador’s COVID-19 disaster has now acquired proportions that the country’s current leadership seems ill equipped to overcome. Sadly, for the people of Guayaquil, the suffering seems far from over.

How Ecuador Descended Into COVID-19 Chaos
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Lenin ‘Judas’ Moreno – Ecuador’s Story of Betrayal and Resistance
Lenin ‘Judas’ Moreno – Ecuador’s Story of Betrayal and Resistance
October 27, 2019

The government of Moreno has been a betrayal so monumental and significant to the living history of Ecuador, that it has indeed earned him the name ‘Judas Moreno’.

Ecuador’s Mobilisation Against Moreno’s Invitation to US and IMF Interference
October 16, 2019

It is unlikely that the new bill will repudiate the onslaught of repercussions as a result of Moreno coercing Ecuador into IMF allegiance, Ramona Wadi writes.

Ecuador’s Mobilisation Against Moreno’s Invitation to US and IMF Interference