Tag: JP Morgan

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Merchants Of Death
Editor's Сhoice
Merchants Of Death
November 8, 2021

From the Nye Committee to Joe Kent, the fight against war profiteering is a constant struggle.

COVID-19 Forces the World to Re-Think the Idea of ‘Monetary Value’
March 28, 2020

Today’s America is confronting an existential crisis similar to that which both Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt battled in their time, Matthew Ehret writes.

COVID-19 Forces the World to Re-Think the Idea of ‘Monetary Value’
Standing at the Precipice of a Financial Collapse: Time for a 21st Century Pecora Commission
Standing at the Precipice of a Financial Collapse: Time for a 21st Century Pecora Commission
March 16, 2020

Today’s oncoming economic meltdown can only be prevented if the lessons of 1933 are taken seriously and patriots who actually care about their nations and people stop legitimizing the casino economy.

Clinton Scandal: Taxpayers’ Money for the Campaign Election
October 10, 2016

The American election campaign never ceases to amaze in terms of twists. The Clinton Foundation has again been the victim of a new hack carried out by Guccifer 2.0, leading to the revelation of some interesting details. Among them is an Excel file with a list of donors.

Clinton Scandal: Taxpayers’ Money for the Campaign Election
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Banker Cronyism Hits EU Ship Rocked by Brexit Torpedo
Banker Cronyism Hits EU Ship Rocked by Brexit Torpedo
July 18, 2016

It couldn’t come at a worst time. Just as the European Union is reeling from the historic setback of Britain voting to leave the 28-member bloc, then comes the scandal of a former top commissioner taking a plum job at a Wall Street bank – to advise on the fallout from the Brexit. If ever the grubby «revolving door» relationship between the EU bureaucratic elite and big business needed an illustration, it is the news of Jose Manuel Barroso taking up a post with the US investment giant Goldman Sachs…

«Gratuitous Democracy» or «Banking Concentration Camp»
June 2, 2015

The news I’m talking about was reported by media in May. Not a big thing at first glance, certainly not a thing to hit radar screen. But the devil is in the details. Some interesting events took place in Scandinavia. The Danish government proposed exempting certain shops from the obligation to accept cash payments in a move seen as pushing the country a step closer to a «cash-free» economy. Businesses such as clothing retailers, gas stations and restaurants will no longer be required to accept cash next year, the government of Denmark said on May 6. The move comes as part of a pre-election package of economic growth measures aimed at reducing costs and increasing productivity for businesses. Many stores in Sweden do not accept cash but only debit or credit cards. Now a buyer with full pockets of cash will leave a Swedish and Danish shop empty handed…

«Gratuitous Democracy» or «Banking Concentration Camp»
America is on a Banking Delayed-action Mine
America is on a Banking Delayed-action Mine
May 23, 2015

Since 2009, it has been compulsory for all major US banks to pass an exam called a stress test. The test checks the banks’ ability to withstand sudden changes in economic and financial conditions. Put simply, it assesses the banks’ ability to survive should America experience a financial crisis similar to the one in 2007-2009. In all the years of testing, the majority of US banks have received a rating of ‘satisfactory’, and even then with a stretch of the imagination. Some banks have had to retake the exam… The results of the stress testing shows that America is living on a delayed-action mine called the US banking system, and sooner or later this mine is going to explode…

Does George Soros Control the Obama White House?
May 21, 2015

Five major banks agreed to plead guilty to criminal charges brought by the U.S. Department of Justice for manipulating the exchange rates of U.S. dollars and euros. The banks were Citicorp, J.P. Morgan Chase, Barclays, Bank of America, and the Royal Bank of Scotland… The banks will pay an estimated $5.8 billion in fines to the United States. However, only corporations were charged criminally. Not one individual banking executive was indicted in the currency manipulation scam. The reason for no personal indictments is simple. George Soros, the man who opened up his checkbook in 2008 and 2012 for Barack Obama’s presidential campaign and is estimated to have poured millions of dollars into Obama’s coffers, made his hundreds of billions of dollars primarily from the same type of international currency manipulation that landed the five banks into trouble…

Does George Soros Control the Obama White House?