Tag: Jefferson

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Renaming the Past to Cancel Thomas Jefferson, Rapist and Slave Owner
Editor's Сhoice
Renaming the Past to Cancel Thomas Jefferson, Rapist and Slave Owner
July 13, 2021

George Mason was a Founding Father, a delegate to the Constitutional Convention, and author of the Virginia Declaration of Rights, the basis for the full Bill of Rights. Nearby George Mason University is still named after him, but the city of Falls Church is stripping his name from its schools because in addition to all he did to create the United States, he was a slaveholder.

Ensuring the Worst Possible Leadership
June 12, 2019

It’s safe to say that the bar has been lowered considerably since the late eighteenth century. But the US is on the cusp of lowering that bar considerably further. This promises to also lower both the standard of living and the quality of life.

Ensuring the Worst Possible Leadership
Editor's Сhoice
America’s Independence Day: A Look at Russia-US Roller Coaster Relationship
America’s Independence Day: A Look at Russia-US Roller Coaster Relationship
July 4, 2017

The Fourth of July is a great day for all Americans. The nation won its great victory 241 years ago. Those days America was not alone in its fight. Russia under Catherine the Great offered significant support of the American Revolution through trade and diplomacy. Without formally taking sides, Russia refused Britain’s requests for military assistance. Direct trade between Russia and the American colonies was a violation of Britain’s Navigation Acts, which only allowed the colonies to trade with Britain, but Russia never stopped sending its ships to colonial ports.

Trump’s Fragile Grasp of History
May 5, 2017

President Trump may have been a reality-TV star but his grasp of reality has always been tenuous, underscored by his weak understanding of U.S. and world history, as Michael Winship explains.

Trump’s Fragile Grasp of History
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The Tensions Between Russia and the US Are Not a Historical By-Product
The Tensions Between Russia and the US Are Not a Historical By-Product
February 18, 2017

There is nothing preordained about the current state of affairs between the Kremlin and the White House.  Even a brief glance over the key events from our shared history shows that during the crucial moments of that history, Russians and Americans have always been allies and never opponents…

George Washington’s Advice to Us Now
December 20, 2016

George Washington’s final words to his fellow Americans when leaving the White House will soon again become a part of this country’s hot political debates, but the person who will be interpreting these words to today’s Americans will be an American aristocrat whose viewpoints are actually far more similar to those of the British redcoats that Washington killed during the Revolutionary War, than to the viewpoints of General Washington himself…

George Washington’s Advice to Us Now