Tag: Intellectual Property Rights

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US Infringing Copyright Laws to Produce and Advertise Russian Weapons
US Infringing Copyright Laws to Produce and Advertise Russian Weapons
November 3, 2018

The US is blatantly violating Russian intellectual property rights. It could have done everything officially and bought a license, for instance, but it has not. This kind of behavior will inevitably tarnish the US reputation worldwide.

EU, Japan Sign Historic Trade Agreement to Reshape Global Economic Map
July 21, 2018

A new era for the EU and Japan, the champions of global free trade and multilateral agreements, has begun. A landmark event that will change the global economic landscape has taken place.

EU, Japan Sign Historic Trade Agreement to Reshape Global Economic Map
Trump’s Doomsday Gamble in China Trade War
Trump’s Doomsday Gamble in China Trade War
June 24, 2018

With its chronic debts, deficits and dodo-like dollar, America will be ruined beyond salvation. Ruined by a president who brags about his “art of the deal”.

President Xi Charts Out His Promised Land in Idyllic Hainan
April 11, 2018

Xi pledged to lower imported car tariffs this year, and open up further the financial and insurance industries, which indirectly address complaints by Washington in the simmering trade spat.

President Xi Charts Out His Promised Land in Idyllic Hainan
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Americans Will Pay the Price for Trump’s Toughened Approach with China
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Americans Will Pay the Price for Trump’s Toughened Approach with China
March 25, 2018

Instead of these more low-key approaches, however, President Trump—a veteran of the entertainment industry with a flair for the dramatic—has opted for a game plan designed to burnish his tough-on-trade credentials but which lacks an exit strategy. Trump’s stated belief that trade wars are easy to win may be quickly put to the test. So far this has all the makings of a quagmire. Let’s hope the president reconsiders before it’s too late.

Trump Stokes Korea Crisis As Cover for Trade War with China
August 15, 2017

It is commonly perceived that US President Donald Trump is using trade leverage with China in order to pressure Beijing to get tougher on North Korea over the latter’s nuclear weapons program. But what if we run that in reverse? It could be argued that Trump is using the Korea crisis to pursue a trade war with China.

Trump Stokes Korea Crisis As Cover for Trade War with China
Trade Deals and the Environmental Crisis
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Trade Deals and the Environmental Crisis
May 14, 2016

With the release of leaked documents from the TTIP (Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) ‘trade’ deal Greenpeace framed its conclusions more diplomatically than I will: the actions of the U.S. political leadership undertaken at the behest of American corporate ‘leaders’ and their masters in the capitalist class make it among the most profoundly destructive forces in human history. At a time when environmental milestones pointing to irreversible global warming are being reached on a daily basis, the U.S. political leadership’s response is to pronounce publicly that it favors environmental resolution while using ‘trade’ negotiations to assure that effective resolution never takes place…