Tag: Indians

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Turkeys, Thanksgiving Day, Israel’s Samson Option, Nasrallah & Gaza’s Julian Assanges
Turkeys, Thanksgiving Day, Israel’s Samson Option, Nasrallah & Gaza’s Julian Assanges
November 4, 2023

O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed; happy shall he be, that rewardeth thee as thou hast served us.

American Empires
October 31, 2022

In Indigenous Continent, Finnish historian Pekka Hämäläinen reinterprets the colonization of North America as an encounter between civilizational and political equals. It is a major undertaking, and it’s not clear that he manages to back up his core contentions. But even in partial failure, Hämäläinen illuminates the complex relationship between American and indigenous power. 

American Empires
Editor's Сhoice
What’s Worse Than Catholic Churches Burning Down Across Canada?
What’s Worse Than Catholic Churches Burning Down Across Canada?
July 14, 2021

The West is on the cusp of a massive right-wing backlash from reckless liberal policies that refuse law and order its rightful place in the political establishment.

Discovery of Mass Grave of 215 First Nations Children Shines Spotlight Onto Uncomfortable Truths
June 10, 2021

The facts show that the injustices of the past have not disappeared, but merely changed forms over the past decades and continue to distort and traumatize in lesser understood modes through the present day.

Discovery of Mass Grave of 215 First Nations Children Shines Spotlight Onto Uncomfortable Truths
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Canada’s Colonial Legacy Reflects Global Impunity for Settlercolonialism
Canada’s Colonial Legacy Reflects Global Impunity for Settlercolonialism
June 5, 2021

Canada’s recent discovery not only alludes to the existence of other mass graves in the country. It also sheds light on the global colonial legacy and how the military empire expanded through exploitation of indigenous lands.

Oak Flat: Trump’s Final Middle Finger to the Environment
January 20, 2021

The U.S. Forest Service will release the final version of the environmental analysis for the Resolution Copper Project and Land Exchange in three days’ time and a full year ahead of schedule as a result of pressure from the Trump administration, according to local officials.

Oak Flat: Trump’s Final Middle Finger to the Environment
Editor's Сhoice
Which to Celebrate, Pilgrims or Native Americans?
Editor's Сhoice
Which to Celebrate, Pilgrims or Native Americans?
December 1, 2020

This year marks the 400th anniversary of the founding of the Plymouth Colony by the Pilgrims in 1620. Plymouth was the first English settlement to establish itself successfully in the New World. You might think that the four-century mark of that event would be cause for big commemorations. Instead, there has been barely a peep.

Forcing Environmental Activists and Mapuche Leaders Into Silence in Chile
August 26, 2020

By issuing statements that contradict the sequence of events, the Chilean government is protecting perpetrators and providing an environment where violence and murder can thrive unabated.

Forcing Environmental Activists and Mapuche Leaders Into Silence in Chile