Tag: Imperialism

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Why is the U.S. increasing the risk of nuclear war?
Why is the U.S. increasing the risk of nuclear war?
December 19, 2024

The U.S. is dusting off the nuclear threat card to try to re-establish its hegemony, but is it really worth it?

What are we doing in Syria?
December 16, 2024

President-elect Donald Trump made a statement last week about Syria, saying that this is not our fight and we should have nothing to do with it. His sentiment is the correct one, though we have unfortunately to this point had far too much to do with it. Let us hope that as president, Donald Trump will follow through with this sentiment and extract the US – the overt and covert presence – from not only Syria but the entire Middle East.

What are we doing in Syria?
Editor's Сhoice
O papel estratégico do Canal do Panamá para os EUA e a busca por alternativas
O papel estratégico do Canal do Panamá para os EUA e a busca por alternativas
December 14, 2024

A construção de canais alternativos e de outras vias oceânicas faz parte da construção de um mundo multipolar.

Scandinavians, the world’s happiest people, love killing for the USA. Part 3
December 13, 2024

Midway in Wimbledon’s championship last July, Denmark’s favorite son, Rune Holger, bashed a forehand over to his senior by 16 years, the seven-time Wimbledon champion Novak Djokovic, who had leg surgery a month before. I missed the return as a loud Danish voice droned over the TV.

Scandinavians, the world’s happiest people, love killing for the USA. Part 3
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El papel estratégico del Canal de Panamá para los EE. UU. y la búsqueda de alternativas
El papel estratégico del Canal de Panamá para los EE. UU. y la búsqueda de alternativas
December 11, 2024

La construcción de canales alternativos y de otras rutas oceánicas forma parte de la construcción de un mundo multipolar.

Blinken is pushing for Ukrainian teens to die for U.S. hegemony
December 6, 2024

You won’t see anyone in Tony Blinken’s family headed to the frontlines in Ukraine. These freaks see the population of this planet as nothing more than pawns on their grand chessboard, and they will sacrifice them just as casually.

Blinken is pushing for Ukrainian teens to die for U.S. hegemony
Editor's Сhoice
Biden’s parting shot at America
Editor's Сhoice
Biden’s parting shot at America
December 4, 2024

The interim between a US presidential election and the swearing in of a new Administration has for most of our history been a non-eventful period where the outgoing Administration winds down operations and the incoming Administration ramps up new personnel before the inauguration.

For future memory of western decadence
November 28, 2024

The “international order based on rules is not written, it is not possible to find it in any document or treaty, it is the result of the casuistic interpretation of facts often created artificially.

For future memory of western decadence