Tag: Impeachment

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A Tale Told by an Idiot: The Second Impeachment of Donald Trump
A Tale Told by an Idiot: The Second Impeachment of Donald Trump
February 18, 2021

What we have just seen is another example of the compulsion of America’s liberal ruling elite to make a sick, discredited joke of what is left of their own collapsing and totally bankrupt political system.

Trump Acquitted (Again), but Trump Hatred Continues
February 17, 2021

Impeachment 2.0 may be over, but those blinded by hatred for Trump are not about to give up. They are irrational and obsessed. They are also dangerous.

Trump Acquitted (Again), but Trump Hatred Continues
Editor's Сhoice
Biden Day One: Nothing Changed, Nothing Ever Will
Biden Day One: Nothing Changed, Nothing Ever Will
January 31, 2021

The Liberal Sleepwalkers are not dealing with the passive, stupid thuggish, unthinking herd that they believe half the American people to be.

Dem Convention Made No Mention of Russiagate or Impeachment, Because Those Were Fake Things
August 29, 2020

The only interesting thing about either of the conventions held by America’s two mainstream political parties this month was not anything that was said by the interminable parade of vapid speakers, but rather what those speakers did not say.

Dem Convention Made No Mention of Russiagate or Impeachment, Because Those Were Fake Things
Editor's Сhoice
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5 Reasons Impeachment Failed
Editor's Сhoice
5 Reasons Impeachment Failed
February 6, 2020

The news cycle has moved quickly ever since Trump’s famous escalator ride. On the day of his acquittal by the Senate, impeachment was perhaps the third biggest story. Even world historical events don’t feel like an especially big deal for longer than 72 hours or so. Trump powers through them and the public tunes into something else. Some other pols, like Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, have learned from his example.

Why Both Republicans and Democrats Want Russia to Become the Enemy of Choice
February 6, 2020

The compulsion on the part of the Democrats to bring down Trump has brought about a shift in their foreign policy, placing the neocons back in charge.

Why Both Republicans and Democrats Want Russia to Become the Enemy of Choice
Trump Steps Back From the Edge. Neocons Rage Accordingly
Trump Steps Back From the Edge. Neocons Rage Accordingly
January 15, 2020

Trump’s response to the attack on two US military bases showcase a hopeful about face on a dark age agenda which many thought could lead nowhere but World War III in the immediate days following Soleimani’s murder on January 3.

Impeachment: Does Anyone Even Care?
January 13, 2020

Thanks to the impeachment fiasco, Pelosi is caught in a trap of her own devising and is unable to take a single step without making matters worse.

Impeachment: Does Anyone Even Care?