Tag: Human Rights Watch

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Israel invades Rafah and the genocide will be completed with U.S. complicity
Israel invades Rafah and the genocide will be completed with U.S. complicity
May 12, 2024

When Israel can kill an American citizen, who was among the highest profile journalists in the Arab world, on camera and get away with it, that sends a very clear message about Israeli impunity, and Biden’s complicity.

EU: Falling Short of Protecting Those Most in Need
February 3, 2024

The European Union and its member states renewed their commitments to uphold and protect rights in 2023, but they have persistently failed to translate these commitments into practice, Human Rights Watch said today in its World Report 2024.

EU: Falling Short of Protecting Those Most in Need
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In Wake of HRW Apartheid Report, Israeli Propagandists Launch Global PR Offensive
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In Wake of HRW Apartheid Report, Israeli Propagandists Launch Global PR Offensive
May 10, 2021

Much of the online anger at the Human Rights Watch report was actually manufactured by an Israeli government-sponsored app, Act.IL, which organized supporters of the Jewish state to act in sync to create an artificial groundswell of opposition to it. […]

Trump Is Trying to Hide U.S. and Israeli War Crimes by Attacking the International Criminal Court
July 13, 2020

A war crimes complainthas been filed against Donald Trump, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Trump adviser Jared Kushner in the International Criminal Court (ICC). It is now up to the ICC’s Office of the Prosecutor to decide whether the complaint should be pursued.

Trump Is Trying to Hide U.S. and Israeli War Crimes by Attacking the International Criminal Court
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Billionaire-Backed Human Rights Watch Lobbies for Lethal U.S. Sanctions on Leftist Governments as COVID Crisis Rages
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Billionaire-Backed Human Rights Watch Lobbies for Lethal U.S. Sanctions on Leftist Governments as COVID Crisis Rages
April 12, 2020

Regime change-hungry HRW is proudly taking credit for crushing new US sanctions on Nicaragua while pushing to escalate Washington’s economic war on Venezuela. The Grayzone presents a deep dive into the “human rights” arm of US empire.

The Leftwing Has Placed Itself In The Trash Can Of History
February 5, 2017

At a time when the Western world desperately needs alternative voices to the neoliberals, the neoconservatives, the presstitutes and the Trump de-regulationists, there are none. The Western leftwing has gone insane.

The Leftwing Has Placed Itself In The Trash Can Of History
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UNHRC Election Becoming Part of Propaganda War Against Russia
UNHRC Election Becoming Part of Propaganda War Against Russia
October 28, 2016

They’re doing it again. This time so called human rights advocates have raised hullaballoo regarding the Russia’s place in the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC). A group of over 80 aid and human rights organizations have urged the United Nations to vote Russia off the top rights body because of its actions in the Syrian conflict…

Human Rights Watch Reports That US Government Tortured Children
August 3, 2016

Paul Craig Roberts Human Rights Watch (HRW) has just released its report, “Extreme Measures: Abused Children Detained As National Security Threats”. From my reading of the report, Israel and the US are the two worst abusers. Boko Haram is a […]

Human Rights Watch Reports That US Government Tortured Children
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