Tag: Hollywood

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NATO’s Lord Haw-Haws continue to kick sand in Russia’s face
NATO’s Lord Haw-Haws continue to kick sand in Russia’s face
June 8, 2024

Let’s use a few recent examples to show why NATO’s efforts to portray Russia as the source of all the world’s evils have passed their sell by date.

Hollywood’s Israel problem
December 10, 2023

It’s that time of year again: when Hollywood’s thought police undertake to ensure that American celebrity culture remains firmly in the service of the Zionist narrative.

Hollywood’s Israel problem
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Was the ‘The Big Lebowski’ Predictive Programming for the Terrorist Attacks of 9/11?
Was the ‘The Big Lebowski’ Predictive Programming for the Terrorist Attacks of 9/11?
October 11, 2023

In the movie, we have a dual reference to the ‘New World Order’ and the terrorist attacks of 9/11, two critical events separated by 11 years.

When Hollywood Cared About Chemical Spills
May 16, 2023

Seen again today, Silkwood can be accused of simply being opportunistic, but I choose to accept at face value the sincerity of Nichols, Streep, and the rest of the moviemakers. They cared about what had happened to Karen Silkwood, so they made a movie about her.

When Hollywood Cared About Chemical Spills
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Zelensky Comes to Hollywood, Er, Washington
Zelensky Comes to Hollywood, Er, Washington
December 23, 2022

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky was the star this week in a carefully orchestrated – yet cringingly obvious – real-life drama.

‘Top Gun: Maverick’ Is Military Propaganda. Official Documents Prove It
June 16, 2022

In over 100 pages of contracts, the military agreed to allow Paramount access to a mountain of their most expensive hardware in exchange for what amounts to significant editorial control over the content and tone of the movie – an arrangement that is remarkably common in today’s environment.

‘Top Gun: Maverick’ Is Military Propaganda. Official Documents Prove It
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Huxley’s Ultimate Revolution: The Battle for Your Mind and the Relativity of Madness
Huxley’s Ultimate Revolution: The Battle for Your Mind and the Relativity of Madness
December 11, 2021

The relevance of the Esalen Institute’s “revisioning of madness” needs to be acknowledged as having been entirely spear-headed by the Tavistock Institute, and clearly, not for our benefit.

The Racism of Lucasfilm & Disney
February 13, 2021

In Woke World, you can be cancelled not for what you said, but for what left-wing people think you said. It happened to Don McNeil, and now it has happened to Mandalorian actress Gina Carano.

The Racism of Lucasfilm & Disney
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