Tag: Hawaii

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Crowding the Pacific & Pressuring China
Editor's Сhoice
Crowding the Pacific & Pressuring China
June 30, 2021

Ann Wright reports on the buildup of war practices in the region, including Russia’s training at the edge of U.S. territorial waters off Hawaii and massive U.S.-Australian maneuvers underway through August.

Is The US Military a Larger Threat to Hawaii Than North Korean Missiles?
February 12, 2019

fter the big North Korean missile scare in Hawaii a year ago, one would think that missiles are the greatest threat to the island of Oahu. Yet, it’s not missiles that are the threat, it’s our own U.S. military and its massive jet fuel storage tanks that are leaking into Oahu’s drinking water aquifer.

Is The US Military a Larger Threat to Hawaii Than North Korean Missiles?
Editor's Сhoice
Why All Anti-Interventionists Will Necessarily Be Smeared As Russian Assets
Editor's Сhoice
Why All Anti-Interventionists Will Necessarily Be Smeared As Russian Assets
February 4, 2019

The nonstop propaganda campaign to keep the coals of Russia hysteria burning white hot at all times can therefore be looked at first and foremost as a psychological operation to kill support for multipolarism around the world.

‘Hawai’ianized’ New Caledonia Votes Against Independence
November 7, 2018

South Pacific islanders deserve to be left alone by European colonizers and white European settlers and squatters.

‘Hawai’ianized’ New Caledonia Votes Against Independence
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Stifling Self-Determination: the Staged Independence Referendum of New Caledonia
Stifling Self-Determination: the Staged Independence Referendum of New Caledonia
July 25, 2018

By all rights, Kanaky should be an independent country. However, the machinations of Macron, Philippe, Gomes, and others seem intent on preventing a new country from joining the international parade of nations.

Russia Responds to US Provocation: Open Skies Treaty Faces Hard Times
December 31, 2017

The Open Skies Treaty continues to be a valuable instrument for security and stability at the time of arms control crisis. The OST enhances transparency and the risk of war.

Russia Responds to US Provocation: Open Skies Treaty Faces Hard Times
US Takes New Steps to Dismantle Open Skies Treaty
US Takes New Steps to Dismantle Open Skies Treaty
September 30, 2017

The US is going to announce restrictions to Russian military flights over American territory under the Treaty on Open Skies. The restrictions reportedly applying to flights over Hawaii and Alaska would come into force on January 1, 2018. The United States will stop waiving certain Federal Aviation Administration flight restrictions for the Open Skies flights and no longer allow overnight accommodations at some airfields designated for Open Skies flights.

The Rapid Devolution of the United States
July 10, 2017

Under Donald Trump's strongman policies, the United States is experiencing the same rapid decentralization that has seen other federations split apart in rapid fashion. Granted, the United States does not have the same underlying causes of ethnicity, language, and religion that helped propel the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia, but the unilateral actions of the federal government are resulting in a steady movement by the American states away from the center in Washington, DC.

The Rapid Devolution of the United States