Tag: Guillermo Lasso

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When Facing Imminent Election Defeat, Dominion Machines Will Always Do the Trick
When Facing Imminent Election Defeat, Dominion Machines Will Always Do the Trick
April 18, 2021

Whenever a favourable election outcome seems problematic, the selection of the right vote counting machine will be sure to fix it.

Can Guillermo Lasso Ride the Winds of Change in Ecuador?
April 14, 2021

The toothless, senile old watchdogs of the U.S. Mainstream Media will remain silent and obedient on events in Ecuador. Business as usual will continue.

Can Guillermo Lasso Ride the Winds of Change in Ecuador?
Ecuadorean Millionaire Wins Presidential Election: U.S. Gains; The Poor Lose
Ecuadorean Millionaire Wins Presidential Election: U.S. Gains; The Poor Lose
April 12, 2021

Lasso’s victory came as a surprise, a most disappointing one especially for the peoples of Latin America, and for all who struggle for a world without the greed, war violence, and planet pollution that capitalism breeds.