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Moldova-Ukraine-Georgia Alliance: Nothing More Than Flash in the Pan
Moldova-Ukraine-Georgia Alliance: Nothing More Than Flash in the Pan
June 11, 2018

The formation of this bloc can be used for propaganda purposes, but in reality it’s nothing but a flash in the pan that will soon be forgotten. It has no future.

Moldova, Georgia, Ukraine Create New Anti-Russian, Pro-NATO Alliance
March 6, 2018

The three states are ruled by oligarchs who obstruct reforms. With their economies in dire straits, the ruling elites promise their people paradise if they join the EU and NATO and become good friends of the US. Adopting an anti-Russia policy is their payment for Western aid and support.

Moldova, Georgia, Ukraine Create New Anti-Russian, Pro-NATO Alliance
Will the Eastern Partnership Share the Fate of GUAM?
Will the Eastern Partnership Share the Fate of GUAM?
December 1, 2013

Kiev's decision to slow down the process of Ukraine's eurointegration after it seemed like the country was rushing headlong to sign an association agreement with the EU has given cause to think about whether the Eastern Partnership might not repeat the fate of the defunct military and political organization GUAM (Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Moldova) which they tried to create back in 1997…

GUAM Back to Life?
August 26, 2010

Media reported on August 6-17 that presidents M. Ghimpu and M. Saakashvili met in Georgia to declare their commitment to reanimating GUAM believed to be stillborn since 2007. At the moment Belarus – the republic going through a period of chill in the relations with Russia – is being lured into GUAM to fill in the vacuum left by Ukraine which no longer takes any interest in the bloc.

GUAM Back to Life?