Tag: Gross Domestic Product

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David Stockman on the Consequences of Abolishing the Gold Standard
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David Stockman on the Consequences of Abolishing the Gold Standard
December 6, 2021

The public debt now standards at $28.1 trillion and 127% of GDP and is rising at breakneck speed.

20/20 Insight: Top 10 Political Predictions for the New Year
December 31, 2019

There are many other upcoming events in the New Year that have – believe it or not – nothing to do with impeaching Trump, Robert Bridge writes.

20/20 Insight: Top 10 Political Predictions for the New Year
The Dire, Unintended Consequences of Trump’s MAGA War on China
The Dire, Unintended Consequences of Trump’s MAGA War on China
February 18, 2019

Whatever one’s attitude towards globalization – good or bad – America’s way of waging its MAGA war on China likely will have unintended sequelae that may well lead to some last century style pain and disruption.

US May Enter Recession as Soon as This Quarter Due to Extended Shutdown
January 16, 2019

The good news for the Trump administration is that while the US economy may slide into contraction this quarter, should the shutdown persist indefinitely, there will be nobody to report that GDP is now negative.

US May Enter Recession as Soon as This Quarter Due to Extended Shutdown
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Wasting the Lehman Crisis: What Was Not Saved Was the Economy
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Wasting the Lehman Crisis: What Was Not Saved Was the Economy
September 21, 2018

The key financial principle is that this self-expansion of interest-bearing debt grows to absorb more and more of the economic surplus.

It’s The Trump Slump – But Don’t Blame The Donald!
April 8, 2018

The are few snarkier defenders of the current rotten financial status quo than Ben White of Politico's Money Morning. So it's not surprising that he is out this AM with the latest Trumb-o-phobe meme from Swamp Dweller's Central.

It’s The Trump Slump – But Don’t Blame The Donald!
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Washington’s Bloated Big Engine That Can’t – Why the Shutdown Threat Matters
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Washington’s Bloated Big Engine That Can’t – Why the Shutdown Threat Matters
January 22, 2018

We have been here before—-in the blow-off stage of a stock market mania that is being driven by nothing more than momentum. Speculators and robo-machines alike are buying the market solely because it is going up (almost) every day.

The Real Bleep-Hole Moment – $40 Trillion And Counting
January 14, 2018

What the GOP immigrant bashers fail to recall is that America was not based on a tribe, a folk, a people or a nation. It was a melting pot of diverse peoples who came here seeking the freedom to go their own way as guaranteed by the constitution and to pursue the opportunity to prosper as offered by free market capitalism. And it worked without any borders at all.

The Real Bleep-Hole Moment – $40 Trillion And Counting
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