Tag: Greece

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Greece and Cyprus block EU from going easy on Islamist regime in Syria
Editor's Сhoice
Greece and Cyprus block EU from going easy on Islamist regime in Syria
February 15, 2025

Many argue sanctions could be reinstated if violence resurges, but as the atrocities never stopped, lifting sanctions would only consolidate the new Syrian regime.

Top tanker owning nations in 2024
January 2, 2025

This infographic shows the grand total value of the world’s largest tanker fleets as of February 2024.

Top tanker owning nations in 2024
Da Ucrânia a guerra contra a Ortodoxia volta-se agora para a Grécia
Da Ucrânia a guerra contra a Ortodoxia volta-se agora para a Grécia
August 3, 2024

O escárnio da dignidade humana que se tornou evidente em Bruxelas, há sessenta anos, foi apenas o precursor da implosão moral e espiritual geral que se seguiria e que iria abranger toda a Europa.

From Ukraine, the war on Orthodoxy now pivots to Greece
July 30, 2024

The mockery of human dignity made evident in Brussels sixty years ago was but the precursor to the general moral and spiritual implosion that would soon follow to encompass the whole of Europe.

From Ukraine, the war on Orthodoxy now pivots to Greece
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Across Europe, Governments Are Increasingly Unstable
Across Europe, Governments Are Increasingly Unstable
December 31, 2023

Average duration of national governments in Europe has significantly decreased over the past decade. According to an EU Matrix research, governments from countries such as Romania and Bulgaria last on average for less than a single year. These numbers are likely to decrease in the future also for countries that have been more stable over the past decade, such as Germany and Netherlands, which are displaying signs of rising political instability. 

‘British High Commissioner Does not Deserve to Serve in Cyprus’
July 18, 2023

British High Commissioner Irfan Siddiq exceeded the limits and spoke in a hostile manner, ‘foreign minister’ in the north Tahsin Ertugruloglou told Kibris.

‘British High Commissioner Does not Deserve to Serve in Cyprus’
Editor's Сhoice
Greek Coast Guard Drowns Entire Syrian family
Greek Coast Guard Drowns Entire Syrian family
September 24, 2022

Mohammed Burgess of Latakia, Syria is the sole survivor of the deliberate murder of his entire family by the Greek Coast Guard on Tuesday, September 13.

Greece Follows a Two-Faced Policy Toward Turkey
September 16, 2022

Greece designates the PKK as a terrorist organization, which is the same classification as ISIS. And yet, Greece protects and shelters a group who have slaughtered thousands of men, women, and children of their next-door neighbor.

Greece Follows a Two-Faced Policy Toward Turkey