Tag: Global Warming

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The US is Executing a Global War Plan
The US is Executing a Global War Plan
February 18, 2018

When Washington accuses Moscow and Beijing of “trying to alter the international order to their advantage” what the American rulers are tacitly admitting is their anxiety that the days of US hegemony are on the wane. Russia and China are not doing anything illegitimate. It is simply a fact of historical evolution.

Trump Resists Progress on Global Warming
November 26, 2017

Market trends now favor renewable energy as a cost-effective alternative to fossil fuels, but President Trump’s resistance to this good news is doing real damage in the fight against global warming, reports Jonathan Marshall.

Trump Resists Progress on Global Warming
Editor's Сhoice
How Runaway Inequality Creates Runaway Global Warming
How Runaway Inequality Creates Runaway Global Warming
November 13, 2017

The bottom half of humans own next to nothing, but they own as much as the world’s richest 80 individuals do, because though the bottom half are poor, there are 3.79 billion of them.

Global Warming and Nuclear Power
July 1, 2017

Global warming seems to have become the excuse for everything unusual in the weather. If it rains that is because of global warming. If it does not rain that is because of global warming. And not so long ago global cooling was a major concern.

Global Warming and Nuclear Power
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Trump’s Next Most Dangerous Possibility
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Trump’s Next Most Dangerous Possibility
April 28, 2017

Assuming President Trump doesn’t blunder into World War III, the next greatest harm he may do is reverse the modest U.S. steps toward fighting global warming, as ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar explains.

How Trump Knows That Continued Global Warming Will Make Earth Uninhabitable 100 Years from Now
November 21, 2016

He knows it because his chief strategist, Stephen Bannon — a polymath — was personally involved in proving it. Bannon was brought into a major scientific experiment in 1994 as its «Acting CEO» to find a way that would avoid the experiment’s earlier finding that within a hundred years (i.e., by approximately 2095) this planet will be virtually uninhabitable unless global warming can and will quickly be reversed…

How Trump Knows That Continued Global Warming Will Make Earth Uninhabitable 100 Years from Now
TPP Ignores Global Warming & Allows Murder of Labor Union Organizers
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TPP Ignores Global Warming & Allows Murder of Labor Union Organizers
November 7, 2015

U.S. President Barack Obama’s capstone to his Presidency, his proposed megalithic international ‘trade’ treaties, are finally coming into their home-stretch, with the Pacific deal finally being made public on Thursday November 5th.