Tag: Gingrich

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Got a Problem with Politics Today? Blame These Guys
Editor's Сhoice
Got a Problem with Politics Today? Blame These Guys
October 2, 2018

Into the fray jumps NBC’s Steve Kornacki and The Red and the Blue, a smart and welcome take on U.S. politics over the past two decades. Kornacki traces how we arrived at we where we at to the 1990s, with Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich playing outsized and starring roles.

Seth Rich, Conspiracy Theorists, and Russiagate ‘Truthers’
August 27, 2017

Say that you want to discredit the idea that Vladimir Putin’s Russian spies hacked the Democratic National Committee last year and weaponized the data via WikiLeaks. (Leave out, for a moment, whether or not Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with the Russians, though that’s precisely what special counsel Robert Mueller and the FBI are trying to find out.) You’d need a counter-theory, right?//

Seth Rich, Conspiracy Theorists, and Russiagate ‘Truthers’
Editor's Сhoice
Why Trump Is Targeting Iran
Why Trump Is Targeting Iran
February 11, 2017

The connection of an anti-Iran exile group to senior members in the Trump administration may explain why the US president has taken such a hostile line towards the Islamic Republic, declaring it a «number one state sponsor of terrorism» and slapping new sanctions on Tehran.

How Salon Gets Away with Deceiving Its Readers
November 11, 2016

Before I start this condemnation of lies from ‘liberal’ ‘news’ media, I should indicate that I am a former lifelong Democrat who left the Party over the corruption of the Obama Administration when the corruption became capped by their Democratic National Committee using many devices to steal the Presidential nomination away from Bernie Sanders, to hand it to Obama’s chosen successor Hillary Clinton, whom Obama expected would complete his pro-Wall-Street legacy by passing into law some version of his trade treaties and by Hillary’s conquering Russia, the latter of which goal was a U.S. government project that had actually started in secret on the night of 24 February 1990 when the then-President George Herbert Walker Bush initiated what has since become a ceaseless behind-the-scenes U.S. government program to expand NATO right up to Russia’s borders and ultimately to conquer Russia itself…

How Salon Gets Away with Deceiving Its Readers