Tag: Gaddafi

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Why Is the Lockerbie Lie of Libya’s Involvement Still Being Kept Alive Today?
Why Is the Lockerbie Lie of Libya’s Involvement Still Being Kept Alive Today?
November 24, 2022

The interesting detail of the Lockerbie bombing was the extent of how far the plotters went to divert blame to Libya.

Did UK’s Secret Libya Policy Contribute to Manchester Terror?
January 1, 2021

Four days after the terrorist atrocity at the Manchester Arena on 22 May 2017, which killed 22 people, Jeremy Corbyn made the bravest speech of his career. The then Labour leader went much further than the pro forma condemnations of terrorist barbarity customary in the wake of such attacks. 

Did UK’s Secret Libya Policy Contribute to Manchester Terror?
Editor's Сhoice
The Blundering British Political Class Has Shown the Same Incompetence in Both Fighting Wars and Coronavirus
Editor's Сhoice
The Blundering British Political Class Has Shown the Same Incompetence in Both Fighting Wars and Coronavirus
June 29, 2020

The government’s controversial Prevent programme aims to stop individuals becoming terrorists, but it would be much more effective if it taught British political leaders not to engage in wars that become the seed-beds of terrorism.

Chaotic Libya Being Helped Towards Stability
January 28, 2020

Tell that to those who gathered at the Berlin conference to try to find a way forward from the tragic catastrophe created by the NATO dimwits.

Chaotic Libya Being Helped Towards Stability
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Two Opposite Ways of Interpreting Wars and International Relations
Two Opposite Ways of Interpreting Wars and International Relations
September 7, 2019

In the US-and-allied nations, the standard way of interpreting wars and international relations is archetypally exemplified by the internationally respected award-winning American war-journalist Marie Colvin.

Libya Is Our Regime Change Nightmare
April 10, 2019

Whatever the outcome of the latest battle, the continuation of the war is certain to deepen the misery of Libya’s civilian population. Eight years later, Libya is still living with the instability and violence that resulted from US-backed regime change made possible by Western intervention.

Libya Is Our Regime Change Nightmare
Editor's Сhoice
Psychopathic US Senator Openly Calls for Maduro to Suffer Gaddafi’s Fate
Editor's Сhoice
Psychopathic US Senator Openly Calls for Maduro to Suffer Gaddafi’s Fate
February 27, 2019

Marco Rubio does not give a shit about the Venezuelan people. Like all Capitol Hill war whores, he only cares about advancing the hegemony of the US-centralized empire.

In Libya, ‘We Came. We Saw. He Died.’ Will There Be a Repeat in Venezuela?
February 12, 2019

Washington wants to ensure that there is suffering, in order that Maduro can be overthrown by those whom it has deprived of the basic necessities of life. Further, it wants its own man to be at the Top.

In Libya, ‘We Came. We Saw. He Died.’ Will There Be a Repeat in Venezuela?