Tag: Tulsi Gabbard

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De progresista pacifista a militarista pro-drones: la extraña trayectoria política de Tulsi Gabbard
De progresista pacifista a militarista pro-drones: la extraña trayectoria política de Tulsi Gabbard
February 19, 2025

Si bien muchos en la izquierda estadounidense han denunciado la absolución del tirador de Kenosha, Kyle Rittenhouse, por entregar una tarjeta para salir libre de la cárcel a milicias racistas, la ex representante de Hawái, Tulsi Gabbard, celebró abiertamente el veredicto.

Las grandes empresas tecnológicas, el complejo militar-industrial y la naturaleza de la administración Trump
February 6, 2025

Las amenazas contra la mitad del mundo –incluidas las militares y anexionistas– indican un camino extremadamente peligroso.

Las grandes empresas tecnológicas, el complejo militar-industrial y la naturaleza de la administración Trump
The “foreign asset” smear is antidemocratic
Editor's Сhoice
The “foreign asset” smear is antidemocratic
November 24, 2024

Calling Tulsi Gabbard a “Russian asset” is the latest iteration of a long American tradition of stifling debate.

Tulsi Gabbard, the new U.S. intel chief… a brave call to debunk NATO’s war propaganda in Ukraine
November 15, 2024

Tulsi Gabbard can provide the necessary counsel to Trump upon which a lasting peace settlement can be made.

Tulsi Gabbard, the new U.S. intel chief… a brave call to debunk NATO’s war propaganda in Ukraine
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Tulsi Gabbard Calls Out the U.S. Dirty War on Syria That Biden, Aides Admit to
Editor's Сhoice
Tulsi Gabbard Calls Out the U.S. Dirty War on Syria That Biden, Aides Admit to
March 12, 2021

As Tulsi Gabbard criticizes former Congressional colleagues for ignoring the ongoing US dirty war and sanctions on Syria, a look at the comments of Joe Biden and top aides show that they have admitted to the same underlying, horrific facts. Gabbard only stands apart — and is even vilified — for being willing to call it out.

Where’s the Liberal Outrage Now That Tulsi Gabbard Has Been Silenced Yet Again?
March 11, 2020

Tulsi Gabbard, who should be the darling of every progressive, has virtually disappeared not only from the debate stage, but also from the news cycle.

Where’s the Liberal Outrage Now That Tulsi Gabbard Has Been Silenced Yet Again?
DNC Scrambles to Change Debate Threshold After Gabbard Qualifies
Editor's Сhoice
DNC Scrambles to Change Debate Threshold After Gabbard Qualifies
March 5, 2020

The establishment narrative warfare against Gabbard’s campaign dwarfs anything we’ve seen against Sanders, and the loathing and dismissal they’ve been able to generate have severely hamstrung her run.

Can Bernie and Tulsi Survive Hillary’s ‘Urge’ to Save the DNC?
February 1, 2020

Gabbard has burned all the bridges within the DNC she can, proving herself to be a person of integrity in a U.S. political wasteland of charlatans.

Can Bernie and Tulsi Survive Hillary’s ‘Urge’ to Save the DNC?