Tag: Food

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We’re running out of eggs
Editor's Сhoice
We’re running out of eggs
March 18, 2025

I was lying with my mouth open, staring up at a poster of a palm tree, when my dentist started complaining about the price of eggs. She’d just spent £37 on a small bag of basic groceries. But it was the price of eggs that was really freaking her out.

Fome na Europa: o real objetivo das políticas anti-russas
September 27, 2024

A aliança entre EUA e UE é uma verdadeira bomba-relógio e no longo prazo levará a Europa à fome.

Fome na Europa: o real objetivo das políticas anti-russas
U.S. Expands Middle East War as UN Warns ‘Every Single Person in Gaza Is Hungry’
Editor's Сhoice
U.S. Expands Middle East War as UN Warns ‘Every Single Person in Gaza Is Hungry’
January 18, 2024

The United States military carried out a new round of illegal attacks on Yemen Tuesday, the third set of bombings in just under a week. The latest round of strikes makes clear that the United States is escalating a broader war throughout the Middle East, with Iran and its allies as the central targets, amid the ongoing US-Israeli genocide in Gaza.

World Hunger and the War in Ukraine
August 18, 2023

It is not clear if the West will give Russia any relief on its ability to export its own agricultural products.

World Hunger and the War in Ukraine
Editor's Сhoice
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Weaponisation of Food Goes Into High Gear
Weaponisation of Food Goes Into High Gear
July 12, 2023

“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.”

Executive Order Lays Foundation for Lab-Created Foods
April 5, 2023

In this article, I discuss the rapidly advancing trend of food being grown in labs, and the reasons why it’s done in the first place.

Executive Order Lays Foundation for Lab-Created Foods
Editor's Сhoice
World’s Most and Least Obese Countries
World’s Most and Least Obese Countries
March 2, 2023

The most obese country by percentage of obese adults are located in South Pacific. The primary cause of the obesity epidemic there is nutrient transmission (change in diet), with a high amount of imported foods high in salt and fat. At the same time, many of the least obese countries struggle with famine and poverty, with the notable exception of Japan, given that its national diet emphasizes seafood, freshness, modest portions, and minimal added sugar or dairy fat.

How World Food Situation Has Changed Over Past Decade
December 10, 2022

FAO Food Price Index shows that food prices have made a U-curve over the past ten years.

How World Food Situation Has Changed Over Past Decade