Tag: Five Eyes

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New Zealand’s Political Elite Betrays Public Interest By Embracing Washington’s Cold War Geopolitics – Matt Robson
New Zealand’s Political Elite Betrays Public Interest By Embracing Washington’s Cold War Geopolitics – Matt Robson
May 30, 2022

Matt Robson served as a Cabinet minister in the Labour government from 1999 to 2002 during which time he strongly advocated for the country to follow an independent foreign policy and non-alignment with any military blocs.

‘COVID Zero’ New Zealand Has Completed Its Transformation Into a Full-Blown Police State
September 5, 2021

New Zealand is now the only country in the world left that is dedicated to COVID Zero, the pursuit of the total elimination of a virus from their nation, which has been under a government-sanctioned self-siege since the beginning of 2020.

‘COVID Zero’ New Zealand Has Completed Its Transformation Into a Full-Blown Police State
Editor's Сhoice
U.S. Dictates Foreign Policy to Australia But Won’t Give It Excess Vaccines
Editor's Сhoice
U.S. Dictates Foreign Policy to Australia But Won’t Give It Excess Vaccines
August 9, 2021

The U.S. expects Australia to follow its foreign policy commands but has rejected a desperate plea for excess vaccines as Sydney remains in lockdown and the U.S. wastes a million doses.

Beijing, the Five Eyes or Something Else? Who’s to Blame for the COVID Pandemic?
May 19, 2021

The oligarchy running the Trans Atlantic System certainly loves the centralized control found in the Chinese system, and they adore the behaviorist social credit stuff, but it that is where the admiration ends, Matt Ehret writes.

Beijing, the Five Eyes or Something Else? Who’s to Blame for the COVID Pandemic?
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U.S. And Its Allies Try to Split the World in Two
U.S. And Its Allies Try to Split the World in Two
May 16, 2021

America is using its post-WWII position of being the world’s hegemon, so as to compel every other nation either to join them (as a banana republic or vassal nation) or else to become their enemy by destroying them.

Nazi Healthcare Revived Across the Five Eyes: Killing Useless Eaters and Biden’s COVID Relief Bill
March 10, 2021

The individual most responsible for reviving Obamacare and the associated “Independent Payment Advisory Board” of cost-effectiveness “experts” under Joe Biden is the same figure who crafted the original Affordable Care Act in 2009.

Nazi Healthcare Revived Across the Five Eyes: Killing Useless Eaters and Biden’s COVID Relief Bill
Today’s China Espionage Scandals Revive the Gouzenko Hoax That Unleashed the Cold War
Today’s China Espionage Scandals Revive the Gouzenko Hoax That Unleashed the Cold War
December 19, 2020

The real subversive threat to world peace has always been the supranational financial-intelligence-military architecture, Matthew Ehret writes.

The Sacking of Gough Whitlam and the Royal Intention Behind the Five Eyes
June 13, 2020

The true story of Whitlam’s sacking, and the Crown’s active hand as an invisible yet real force shaping world imperial policy is an uncomfortable fact which imperial strategists would prefer forever remain in the shadows.

The Sacking of Gough Whitlam and the Royal Intention Behind the Five Eyes