Tag: Feminism

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After all, how did a puritanical nation end up idolizing transvestites?
After all, how did a puritanical nation end up idolizing transvestites?
November 14, 2024

If the U.S., being liberal, cannot adhere to any religious creed, and does not have any strong leader power ends up falling into the hands of technocrats.

How not to show solidarity with the Palestinian people
June 19, 2024

Malala Yousafzai has spoken up on Gaza, but aligned herself with those complicit in its destruction. She can do better.

How not to show solidarity with the Palestinian people
Editor's Сhoice
Inside the disinformation industry: A government-sponsored agency is censoring journalism
Editor's Сhoice
Inside the disinformation industry: A government-sponsored agency is censoring journalism
April 19, 2024

This was part of an email sent to UnHerd at the start of January from an organisation called the Global Disinformation Index. It was their justification, handed down after a series of requests, for placing UnHerd on a so-called “dynamic exclusion list” of publications that supposedly promote “disinformation” and should therefore be boycotted by all advertisers.

How German Chancellor Angela Merkel Subjected Germany to the U.S.
April 25, 2023

For the preservation of peace, freedom and prosperity, one thing is needed: liberation of Europe from the USA, Werner Rügemer writes.

How German Chancellor Angela Merkel Subjected Germany to the U.S.
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Proportion of Women in Senior and Middle Managerial Positions Across G20
Proportion of Women in Senior and Middle Managerial Positions Across G20
February 3, 2023

As of 2021, Russia and the United States were G20 leaders in terms of the proportion of women in senior and middle managerial positions. However, nowhere is this proportion nearly consistent with sex ratio.

A Battle of the Sexes
January 6, 2023

If America’s women want men to change, they’ll need to change, too, for the sexes rise and fall together. By Carmel RICHARDSON Something is wrong with American men, and everyone can see it. These failures of men are largely agreed […]

A Battle of the Sexes
Editor's Сhoice
Meet Ukraine’s Azov Figurehead Olena Semenyaka, Europe’s Female Führer
Meet Ukraine’s Azov Figurehead Olena Semenyaka, Europe’s Female Führer
March 20, 2022

If any positives are to emerge from this war, it is that all Europeans, must reject NATO and try to make plowshares instead of swords.

Germany’s Priorities Are a Queer Commissioner and Female Crash Test Dummies
January 9, 2022

How did Germany manage to exist for more than 70 years without a queer commissioner? Many may be forgiven for not having pondered this question, especially during a pandemic which has decimated the civil rights of a third of the population.

Germany’s Priorities Are a Queer Commissioner and Female Crash Test Dummies
Editor's Сhoice