Tag: Federica Mogherini

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Who’d Want to Be Federica Mogherini? And Who’d Want Her Job? EU Foreign Policy and Other Stupid Questions, Explained
Who’d Want to Be Federica Mogherini? And Who’d Want Her Job? EU Foreign Policy and Other Stupid Questions, Explained
February 2, 2020

Why would you employ someone so lightweight as ‘Moggie’ if the EU were serious about its delusional views about being an international player?

EU Creates New Defense Pact to Reduce Dependence on US
November 15, 2017

The idea of creating an independent European defense potential has its pros and cons but one thing is indisputable – only a truly European force – not an assortment of national armies operating under the auspices of US-led NATO – can really protect European interests.

EU Creates New Defense Pact to Reduce Dependence on US
Europe Moving Away from the US to Become More Independent
Europe Moving Away from the US to Become More Independent
September 13, 2016

Federica Mogherini, the current High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission, has said a timetable setting out steps to create EU military structures, billed by some countries as the foundation of a «European army», will be announced in a few days…