Tag: Federal Reserve

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¿Verdaderamente existe diferencia entre “izquierda” y “derecha”?
¿Verdaderamente existe diferencia entre “izquierda” y “derecha”?
January 30, 2025

El origen de las expresiones “izquierda” y “derecha” se remonta a los preámbulos de la Revolución Francesa, en concreto al 5 de mayo de 1789.

To make America great again, separate money and state
January 29, 2025

Repealing regulations is an effective way to reduce costs and increase supply in the affected industries. However, the price increases caused by regulations are sector specific. Economy-wide price increases are caused by the Federal Reserve.

To make America great again, separate money and state
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Make money free again
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Make money free again
November 13, 2024

Two days after Donald Trump became the first American since Grover Cleveland to win nonconsecutive presidential elections, the Federal Reserve announced a quarter percent cut in interest rates. Following this announcement, Fed Chairman Jerome Powell held a press conference where he said that he would not comply with any presidential request that he step down before his term ends in May of 2026.

Donald Trump does not know the ‘correct’ interest rate
August 20, 2024

Former President and current Republican Presidential Nominee Donald Trump recently renewed his criticisms of the Federal Reserve. He suggested that, if he returns to the White House next year, he will push Congress to pass legislation giving the president at least a say in the Fed’s decisions regarding interest rates.

Donald Trump does not know the ‘correct’ interest rate
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Will the Fed lose control?
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Will the Fed lose control?
May 15, 2024

According to new reports from the Social Security and Medicare trustees, Social Security and a Medicare fund that pays for hospital expenses will both begin running deficits in 2035 and 2036. Disappointingly, but not surprisingly, Congress was too preoccupied spending billions more on military aid for foreign countries and banning TikTok to pay attention to the looming bankruptcy of the two largest federal entitlement programs.

Federal Reserve Responsibility for Consumer and Government Debt Crises
March 6, 2024

According to the Federal Reserve, credit card delinquencies increased by 50 percent in 2023, while consumer debt grew to 17.5 trillion dollars. A recent survey by Clever Real Estate found that three in five Americans have credit card debt and that 23 percent of Americans increase their credit card debt every month. The survey also found that 48 percent of Americans (including 59 percent of millennials) use credit cards for essential living expenses.

Federal Reserve Responsibility for Consumer and Government Debt Crises
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It’s the Economy Again, Stupid
Editor's Сhoice
It’s the Economy Again, Stupid
January 29, 2024

The Biden people have it just 180 degrees wrong; perception does matter and is not “wrong.” And it does not matter that some of the economic effects listed here are not Joe’s “fault.”

Soft Landing or Hard Crash?
January 10, 2024

If the Fed allowed interest rates to increase to anywhere near what they would likely be in a free market, interest rate payments on the federal debt would rise to a level causing a financial crisis. President Biden has kept his promise to refrain from criticizing the Fed’s conduct of monetary policy.

Soft Landing or Hard Crash?
Editor's Сhoice