Tag: Fake News

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Não é possível levar a sério nenhuma acusação de “atrocidade” que o Ocidente periodicamente tenta jogar no colo da Rússia
Não é possível levar a sério nenhuma acusação de “atrocidade” que o Ocidente periodicamente tenta jogar no colo da Rússia
July 17, 2024

Não é possível levar a sério nenhuma acusação de “atrocidade” que o Ocidente periodicamente tenta jogar no colo da Rússia.

On controlling the past…
June 17, 2024

Artificial intelligence has rightfully become the subject of great controversy, even though it is still early to fully assess its impact.

On controlling the past…
Inside the disinformation industry: A government-sponsored agency is censoring journalism
Editor's Сhoice
Inside the disinformation industry: A government-sponsored agency is censoring journalism
April 19, 2024

This was part of an email sent to UnHerd at the start of January from an organisation called the Global Disinformation Index. It was their justification, handed down after a series of requests, for placing UnHerd on a so-called “dynamic exclusion list” of publications that supposedly promote “disinformation” and should therefore be boycotted by all advertisers.

The BBC’s war against Russia
April 5, 2024

The warmongering of the BBC against Syria, Russia and a host of other countries has cost more lives than we could ever count.

The BBC’s war against Russia
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Biden sinks to new lows over Moscow bombing and RussiaGate fake news
Biden sinks to new lows over Moscow bombing and RussiaGate fake news
April 2, 2024

Biden’s breath-taking stupidity in Ukraine is finally going to expose NATO for what it is: a paper tiger.

The Hypocrisy of the BBC’s Misinformation War
March 8, 2024

In 1999, Glenn Hoddle, the then England football manager, told The Times’s Matt Dickinson that he thought people with disabilities had done bad things in a previous life. Hoddle had spoken before about his spiritual beliefs, and it was a matter of public record that he had used a faith healer called Eileen Drewery.

The Hypocrisy of the BBC’s Misinformation War
Editor's Сhoice
Cranking Up the Ukraine Phoney History Mill
Cranking Up the Ukraine Phoney History Mill
December 13, 2023

Let those who have eyes and ears in Kiev see and hear. The hired scholars in London will be well taken care of for their efforts.

Visegrad 24: La fabrica de noticias falsas financiada por el gobierno polaco que impulsa el ciclo de noticias en linea entre Israel y Palestina
December 6, 2023

Nombrada por Gizmodo como la fuente de noticias más influyente sobre Israel/Palestina en Twitter/X, Visegrád 24 ha saltado a la fama, acumulando más de un millón de seguidores en las plataformas de redes sociales. Sin embargo, ha compartido constantemente información descaradamente falsa en un intento de aumentar el apoyo a los crímenes del Estado de Israel en Gaza. Peor aún, se sabe que la cuenta semianónima que impulsa una agenda de extrema derecha en todo el mundo está financiada por el gobierno polaco, profundamente conservador.

Visegrad 24: La fabrica de noticias falsas financiada por el gobierno polaco que impulsa el ciclo de noticias en linea entre Israel y Palestina