Tag: Embraer

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La crisi di Boeing e la campagna contro Embraer
La crisi di Boeing e la campagna contro Embraer
January 18, 2025

È fondamentale ricordare che i conglomerati mediatici non sono semplicemente attività giornalistiche, ma rappresentano settori di propaganda per interessi finanziari internazionali e nient’altro.

The dark case of Flight 8243, a trap for Moscow?
January 15, 2025

Let’s try to understand how the crash of Azerbaijan Airlines Flight 8243 will leave a mark on geopolitical relations between the countries involved.

The dark case of Flight 8243, a trap for Moscow?
A crise da Boeing e a campanha contra a Embraer
A crise da Boeing e a campanha contra a Embraer
January 13, 2025

É necessário recordar que os conglomerados midiáticos não são meras atividades jornalísticas, mas representam setores propagandísticos de interesses financeiros internacionais.

The Boeing crisis and the campaign against Embraer
January 11, 2025

It is crucial to remember that media conglomerates are not merely journalistic activities but represent propaganda sectors for international financial interests and nothing more.

The Boeing crisis and the campaign against Embraer