Tag: Education

A new biography promises unvarnished access to the real Chrystia Freeland. Instead, it offers the same old mythmaking.

In more good news for British universities, “woke waste” is now gaining traction in the UK media, and firmly in the firing line are mad-sounding research projects at the taxpayers’ expense. According to a joint investigation by The Sun and the Taxpayer’s Alliance, millions of pounds are being robbed from the pockets of hard-working citizens so that academics can investigate “TikTok dancing, ‘queer animals’ & pro-trans robots”.

O mínimo que se poderia esperar dos brasileiros é que sua classe letrada parasse de idolatrar ou abominar um ministro do STF como se ele fosse outra coisa que não um subproduto do imperialismo e das instituições dos EUA.

Brazilian educated class would better stop idolizing or abhorring a Supreme Court minister as if he were anything other than a byproduct of U.S. imperialism and institutions.