Tag: DUP

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Theresa May’s Dirty DUP Deal
Theresa May’s Dirty DUP Deal
June 28, 2017

Theresa May has finalized a shameful and disgraceful deal with Northern Ireland's Democratic Unionist Party to help her cling on to power and prop up her minority Tory Government. Never in Mrs. May's wildest nightmares could she have imagined when she called the ghastly 2017 General Election in a naked power grab for a landslide majority, she would be returned to 10 Downing Street having lost seats with a share of the national vote only 2% higher than Jeremy Corbyn's Labour Party, and no majority of her own to govern effectively in the House of Commons.

Britain’s Gambling Tories Now Risk Irish Peace
June 15, 2017

Like a crazed gambler who bet the house – and lost – Theresa May’s Conservative (Tory) government is now doubling down to risk peace in Ireland so that she might cling on to power. Having lost her party’s overall majority in the House of Parliament in last week’s humiliating British general election, May is having to rely on a rabidly sectarian party from Northern Ireland to cobble together a working government.

Britain’s Gambling Tories Now Risk Irish Peace
The Anti-Capitalist Left Is Back
The Anti-Capitalist Left Is Back
June 13, 2017

The ability of British Labor Party leader Jeremy Corbyn to deny Conservative Prime Minister Theresa May a parliamentary majority in the general election provides proof that the anti-capitalist left is on a comeback. Corbyn was successful in targeting several Conservative- and Scottish National Party-held seats, picking up 30 seats for Labor. 

Brexit Britain on the Brink
May 5, 2017

With the formal beginning of the UK General Election with the dissolution of Parliament, the British Prime Minister, Theresa May stood on the steps of 10 Downing Street and started milking the nationalistic fervour of Brexit for all it was worth. Mrs. May declared that Brussels was attempting to «interfere» with the British General Election. The day before she crudely stated the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker would soon find out what a «bloody difficult woman» she was, taking that label first pinned to her by her fellow Tory colleague the wonderful Ken Clarke (who would make a fantastic Prime Minister).

Brexit Britain on the Brink