Tag: Drones

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Secret terror blueprints for US NSC to “help Ukraine resist” exposed
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Secret terror blueprints for US NSC to “help Ukraine resist” exposed
February 19, 2025

Newly-leaked documents reveal a crew of military academics pitching the US National Security Council a series of extreme strategies for Ukraine, from IED’s inspired by Iraqi insurgents to sabotaging Russia’s infrastructure to propaganda “from ISIS’ playbook.”

Iraq’s Sudani walks a tightrope after Syria’s fall
December 30, 2024

With the region’s Resistance Axis on the back foot, Iraq’s ability to insulate itself from turmoil depends on Sudani’s diplomatic finesse, domestic leadership, and the maintenance of the PMU as a cornerstone of sovereignty.

Iraq’s Sudani walks a tightrope after Syria’s fall
Editor's Сhoice
When presidents Kill
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When presidents Kill
August 19, 2024

Sometime before he withdrew from the presidential race, President Joe Biden secretly reaffirmed his own self-willed and self-created authority to kill persons in other countries, so long as the CIA and its military counterparts have “near certainty” that the target of the homicide is a member of a terrorist organization. That standard was concocted by the George W. Bush administration in 2002.

Yemen braces for impending massive U.S.-led air and ground campaign
May 4, 2024

Senior military officials in Sana’a have informed MintPress News of ongoing military preparations by the US, UK, and Saudi-led Coalition over the past two weeks.

Yemen braces for impending massive U.S.-led air and ground campaign
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U.S. military considers civilians expendable despite harm mitigation plan
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U.S. military considers civilians expendable despite harm mitigation plan
April 17, 2024

It has a long history of killing civilians in airstrikes, not investigating the deaths and ignoring pleas for apology.

Iran’s drone strike busts a number of myths and strains Israel-U.S. relations
April 14, 2024

Iran’s drone attack has opened up a can of worms which Biden would have preferred wouldn’t have been opened

Iran’s drone strike busts a number of myths and strains Israel-U.S. relations
Los tanques Abrams entregados a Ucrania no serian tan effectivos
Los tanques Abrams entregados a Ucrania no serian tan effectivos
October 23, 2023

La proliferación de drones rusos con capacidad de ataques de precisión, el inadecuado manejo táctico y la ausencia de superioridad aérea podrían afectar la capacidad de los blindados para ser un factor de cambio de la situación bélica

When is a Coup not a Coup? When the U.S. Says so
October 4, 2023

Not long ago, President Joe Biden vowed that the U.S. would “counter democratic backsliding by imposing costs for coups” in Africa. But three weeks after a military mutiny in Africa involving U.S.-trained officers, the Pentagon refuses to call the takeover in Niger a coup d’état.

When is a Coup not a Coup? When the U.S. Says so
Editor's Сhoice