Tag: Diego Garcia

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Diego Garcia, NATO’s Malta of the Indian Ocean, lays bare Trump’s global game plan
Diego Garcia, NATO’s Malta of the Indian Ocean, lays bare Trump’s global game plan
February 13, 2025

Though Trump may not make America great again, he will go a very long way in retaining America’s role as the world’s top thug.

Fighting for Colonial Footprints: a Very British Thing
May 30, 2019

As can be seen with the recent UN General Assembly vote, colonialism and neo-colonialism are no longer popular but they continue to have their desperate supporters.

Fighting for Colonial Footprints: a Very British Thing
Britain, Human Rights, The Chagos Islands and Crimea
Britain, Human Rights, The Chagos Islands and Crimea
May 28, 2019

The politicians and mandarins in London consider the Chagos Islanders to be inconsequential pawns and will never allow them to have a vote about their future, as took place in Crimea. So much for Britain’s new-found desire to “defend human rights across the globe.”

Diego Garcia: The ‘Unsinkable Carrier’ Springs a Leak
April 16, 2019

Conn HALLINAN The recent decision by the Hague-based International Court of Justice that the Chagos Islands — with its huge U.S. military base at Diego Garcia — are being illegally occupied by the United Kingdom (UK) has the potential to […]

Diego Garcia: The ‘Unsinkable Carrier’ Springs a Leak
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Chagos and the Dark Soul of the British Labour Party
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Chagos and the Dark Soul of the British Labour Party
April 1, 2019

With its hands tied when it comes to military intervention, only covert actions — such as those described in the RED Team document — are likely to be enacted by the U.S. government, at least at this stage of its ongoing “regime change” effort in Venezuela.