Tag: Denmark

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Danish Defense Intelligence Chief Is Jailed by Social Democratic Government — Possibly to Protect U.S. Spy Programs
Editor's Сhoice
Danish Defense Intelligence Chief Is Jailed by Social Democratic Government — Possibly to Protect U.S. Spy Programs
February 21, 2022

Lars Findsen, Denmark’s Defense Intelligence Service (FE) chief—the equivalent of the U.S.’s CIA director—walked into Copenhagen city court with three large police escorts pressed against the country’s leading spy charged with treason. Findsen is forbidden to speak to reporters, but they understood his opinion about his arrest when they saw the paperback in his hand: All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr.

Arrest of Surveillance Officers Shows Denmark Is US’s Lead Eye Into Spying on Other European Allies
December 10, 2021

Danish military intelligence has been systematically spying upon its own citizens for United States economic profit and political interests.

Arrest of Surveillance Officers Shows Denmark Is US’s Lead Eye Into Spying on Other European Allies
Shame on Denmark
Editor's Сhoice
Shame on Denmark
August 13, 2021

The African Union and the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) condemn the state of Denmark and its Social Democrat government for xenophobia.

Banana Kingdom Denmark Exposed Naked in Bed with U.S. Spy Agency: Europe’s Neighboring Leaders Break Silence
June 2, 2021

The so-called “social democrats”, referred to as “socialists” by the likes of Bernie Sanders are the most endearing Danish politician lap dogs.

Banana Kingdom Denmark Exposed Naked in Bed with U.S. Spy Agency: Europe’s Neighboring Leaders Break Silence
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Covid-19-Policy Contest Between Libertarianism v. Socialism: The Latest Results
Covid-19-Policy Contest Between Libertarianism v. Socialism: The Latest Results
May 2, 2021

A great deal remains that is important to know but that is currently unknown about Covid-19, Eric Zuesse writes.

Nordic Countries Extend Astra Zeneca Vaccine Suspension, While Sputnik V Makes Inroads Elsewhere
March 29, 2021

A viral pandemic cannot succumb by practicing sinister nationalism, by making Russia or China the bogeymen that we all must fear.

Nordic Countries Extend Astra Zeneca Vaccine Suspension, While Sputnik V Makes Inroads Elsewhere
Europe Suspends Use of AstraZeneca Corona Vaccine: Denmark Silent About Using Sputnik V
Europe Suspends Use of AstraZeneca Corona Vaccine: Denmark Silent About Using Sputnik V
March 12, 2021

Although Danish sanctions against Russia do not include medicines, it is no secret that the U.S. doesn’t want any benefits for Russia.

Denmark Serving U.S. Wars for Three Decades: Russia as Rogue State Is Rationale
January 18, 2021

Denmark is not the only vassal state adhering to the U.S. Military Empire. All 27 members of the European Union and all 30 NATO members, follow suit to varying degrees. Denmark, however, has earned a sit in the front row, Ron Ridenour writes.

Denmark Serving U.S. Wars for Three Decades: Russia as Rogue State Is Rationale