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Financing: China’s Long March
Financing: China’s Long March
June 26, 2022

China has a chance to transform the world for the better. Though it is no open goal, she should take it to take her place in the van not only of BRI but of the nations of the world, which is at her feet.

Terror From Balochistan: A Menacing Tool to Disrupt Sino-Pakistani Economics
May 7, 2022

A Baloch suicide bombing targeting Chinese workers in Karachi comes a mere month after the US-backed ousting of PM Imran Khan. Pakistan is a critical BRI hub in Beijing’s vast Eurasian connectivity project, and it looks like CPEC is the ultimate target of this disruption.

Terror From Balochistan: A Menacing Tool to Disrupt Sino-Pakistani Economics
Editor's Сhoice
Pakistan in the Eye of the Storm
Pakistan in the Eye of the Storm
February 8, 2022

New trends that have appeared in regional security since the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan are highly consequential for regional politics.

Will a Renewed ‘Operation Cyclone’ Threaten Afghanistan’s New Silk Road Future?
September 22, 2021

The Chinese and their growing array of partners have come to the fundamental insight that the only way to destroy terrorism is not by bombing nations to smithereens, but rather by providing the means of improving the lives of people.

Will a Renewed ‘Operation Cyclone’ Threaten Afghanistan’s New Silk Road Future?
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The Middle East’s New Post-Regime Change Future
The Middle East’s New Post-Regime Change Future
November 1, 2019

With the transformation of the rules of the “Great Game” in the Middle East, a sweeping set of development / reconstruction programs led by China now have a chance to become hegemonic across the formerly hopeless, terrorist-infested region.

The Art of the Flank: India and Other Asian Nations Join the Polar Silk Road
October 15, 2019

The best partnerships occur when all participants have special talents to bring to the relationship which makes a whole more powerful than the sum of its parts.

The Art of the Flank: India and Other Asian Nations Join the Polar Silk Road
China and Jammu and Kashmir’s new status
Editor's Сhoice
China and Jammu and Kashmir’s new status
August 10, 2019

Beijing has a lot of influence over Pakistan and indirectly is in a position to leverage the next moves by Islamabad

Khan Sets the Table for US Pull Out of Central Asia
July 29, 2019

Pakistan is the lynchpin on which China’s Belt and Road Initiative rests. China has pumped more than $60 billion into Pakistan through the China Pakistan Economic Corridor. That money has itself become a political football Khan has had to deal with.

Khan Sets the Table for US Pull Out of Central Asia