Tag: Coup

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USAID and the Venezuelan opposition: Corruption and intervention in the name of ‘humanitarian aid’
USAID and the Venezuelan opposition: Corruption and intervention in the name of ‘humanitarian aid’
March 5, 2025

Recent investigations reveal deep ties between anti-Maduro dissidents and the American Deep State.

USAID e a oposição venezuelana: Corrupção e intervenção em nome da «ajuda humanitária»
March 3, 2025

Investigações recentes mostram laços profundos entre dissidentes anti-Maduro e o Estado Profundo americano.

USAID e a oposição venezuelana: Corrupção e intervenção em nome da «ajuda humanitária»
Alcune note sulla costruzione di un’Ucraina ultranazionalista
Alcune note sulla costruzione di un’Ucraina ultranazionalista
February 28, 2025

A tre anni compiuti dall’inizio della Operazione Militare Speciale in Ucraina, occorre ripercorrere alcune tappe dell’evoluzione nazionalista dell’Ucraina, elemento che ancora oggi continua a giocare un ruolo centrale nella propaganda del conflitto.

Some notes on the construction of an ultranationalist Ukraine
February 24, 2025

Without a distancing from the causes of the conflict, no peace can ever be lasting, because the West will still try to subvert the Eurasian order.

Some notes on the construction of an ultranationalist Ukraine
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¿Una orden ejecutiva paralizó por completo a la USAID?
¿Una orden ejecutiva paralizó por completo a la USAID?
February 14, 2025

Con la interrupción del financiamiento federal a la USAID los medios de comunicación pro-occidentales, de Ucrania a Nicaragua, están mendigando donaciones, y un aparato multimillonario de cambio de régimen entra en modo pánico.

Did a Trump executive order just cripple the global U.S. regime change network?
February 1, 2025

With federal funding paused to USAID, pro-Western media outlets from Ukraine to Nicaragua are panhandling for donations, and a multi-billion dollar regime change apparatus is in panic mode.

Did a Trump executive order just cripple the global U.S. regime change network?
Editor's Сhoice
Serbia: Twilight of a Balkan regime
Serbia: Twilight of a Balkan regime
January 30, 2025

The Serbian people will once again have to pay the price for their foolish naiveté, Stephen Karganovic writes.

Twenty years on… how the U.S.-backed Orange Revolution set Ukraine on the path to war with Russia
January 24, 2025

The resource of history is there to help resolve the Ukrainian conflict. Are Trump and his aides prepared to learn and act accordingly?

Twenty years on… how the U.S.-backed Orange Revolution set Ukraine on the path to war with Russia