Tag: Council on Foreign Relations

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The Living Dead Pax Americana
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The Living Dead Pax Americana
September 29, 2021

Perth in Australia will be a forward base for nuclear-powered and nuclear weapon-carrying American subs, Pepe Escobar writes.

The U.S. Foreign Policy Establishment’s Obsession with Russia
August 18, 2020

With no disrespect to the SCF, the likes of CFR’s Carla Robbins are a greater motivator for him, Michael Averko writes.

The U.S. Foreign Policy Establishment’s Obsession with Russia
The Trade War Is About to Become an Economic World War III
Editor's Сhoice
The Trade War Is About to Become an Economic World War III
June 13, 2019

For many years I have examined how wars of all types have been used by the money elite to distract the masses and maintain a certain level of influence over social and political systems. But war is not only a useful tool for keeping the status quo. Some wars, particularly world wars, are often catalyzed and exploited by those with a globalized agenda as a way to change the way civilizations function and think. The goal? To influence the masses to abandon their attachments to concepts like individualism, nationalism, free markets and sovereignty, and to embrace collectivism and total globalization.

CFR’s Preventive Priorities Survey for 2017 Fails to Mention the Main Thing
December 19, 2016

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), founded in 1921, is a 4,900-member think tank specializing in the United States’ international affairs. Its roster includes senior politicians, business executives, acclaimed journalists, prominent lawyers, leading media figures, renowned scholars and distinguished nonprofit professionals. The CFR is the promotional arm of the establishment. It exerts great influence on foreign policy and the decisions taken by executive officials and congressmen…

CFR’s Preventive Priorities Survey for 2017 Fails to Mention the Main Thing
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Syria, Iraq: Should Borders Be Redrawn to Partition Sovereign States?
Syria, Iraq: Should Borders Be Redrawn to Partition Sovereign States?
March 16, 2016

The article titled «It’s Time to Seriously Consider Partitioning Syria» published recently by Foreign Policy raises serious concerns…