Tag: Council of Europe

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Russia, Council of Europe: Impending Crisis in Relationship
Russia, Council of Europe: Impending Crisis in Relationship
October 11, 2017

No Russian official has made a statement that Moscow is going to leave the organization but the idea is in the air.

Poland, Hungary Join Together to Challenge EU Bureaucracy
February 26, 2017

The rifts within the EU continue to widen as Poland and Hungary join together in opposition to the EU bureaucracy

Poland, Hungary Join Together to Challenge EU Bureaucracy
Council of Europe: Splendours and Miseries
Council of Europe: Splendours and Miseries
May 6, 2014

The Council of Europe, a leading European organization, was founded 65 years ago to promote cooperation between all countries of Europe in the areas of legal standards, human rights, democratic development, the rule of law and cultural co-operation… It should be noted that the organization has actually stopped to tackle acute social, economic and human rights issues – the problems that plague European states. Secretary General of the Council of Europe Thorbjørn Jagland had to admit in his recent report that Europe faced a human rights crisis which was a real burning problem. According to him, «Human rights, democracy and the rule of law in Europe now face a crisis unprecedented since the end of the Cold War. Serious violations – including corruption, immunity from prosecution, impunity, human trafficking, racism, hate speech and discrimination – are on the rise throughout the continent. People’s rights are also threatened by the impact of the economic crisis and growing inequalities. The Council of Europe and its member States must act urgently to stop this erosion of fundamental rights».