Tag: Color Revolution

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La controvertida lucha de Nicaragua contra la injerencia extranjera
La controvertida lucha de Nicaragua contra la injerencia extranjera
August 29, 2024

Los eventos en Nicaragua siguieron un modus operandi bastante típico, por ejemplo, del Maidán o de la Primavera Árabe, en el que los mismos tipos de actores son utilizados como herramientas de adoctrinamiento y manipulación.

O rostinho dos EUA no golpe na Venezuela
August 5, 2024

A nova tentativa de golpe de Estado contra o governo bolivariano da Venezuela, na verdade, não é nenhuma novidade.

O rostinho dos EUA no golpe na Venezuela
From the glass house, a hail of stones rains down on Venezuela
From the glass house, a hail of stones rains down on Venezuela
August 5, 2024

There are two main explanations for the decades of obsession with Venezuela. Both are red flags for the raging imperialist bull.

America’s election meddling will finally be its own sword to fall on
August 5, 2024

For the United States, the prize in Ukraine has always been the opportunity to fight Russia without committing one dead western soldier. This may change.

America’s election meddling will finally be its own sword to fall on
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USAID a velvet glove for the fist of U.S. global power
USAID a velvet glove for the fist of U.S. global power
June 18, 2024

While a great deal of controversies have arisen in the world-wide activities of USAID it may be worthwhile to explore its attempts of preventing individuals from finding information that challenges official narratives.

What 10 years of U.S. meddling in Ukraine have wrought (spoiler alert: not democracy)
June 12, 2024

Above, a map of Ukraine in green, with territory occupied or annexed by Russia in light green to the right — i.e., the eastern Donbas and the Crimean peninsula in the southeast. President Biden vows a fight for democracy, but recent history calls that into question.

What 10 years of U.S. meddling in Ukraine have wrought (spoiler alert: not democracy)
Editor's Сhoice
U.S.-EU assets pushing color revolution in Georgia
Editor's Сhoice
U.S.-EU assets pushing color revolution in Georgia
May 27, 2024

Over 25,000 NGOs are active in Georgia, and most rely on funding from Europe and the US. A new bill aiming to reign in Western meddling has sparked furious anti-government protests explicitly encouraged by Washington.

NATO’s NGOs are stampeding through Georgia
May 23, 2024

Georgia, like a number of other European satellite states from Ireland in the West to Armenia in the East, is a case study of CIA domestic and trans-national subversion.

NATO’s NGOs are stampeding through Georgia