Tag: Coca-Cola

Coca Cola and Starbucks have to be pragmatic not only regarding Russia itself, but to what their exclusion from the Russian market might lead to in their other core markets.

More than half of the country’s 100 largest low-wage employers rigged pay rules in 2020 to give CEOs 29 percent average raises while their frontline employees made 2 percent less.

The idea of becoming successful is the ultimate evil in the Ghetto. It is this mindset that results in people in the Ghetto shaming others from childhood into making sure they never even try to leave, Tim Kirby writes. While Joaquin rips him apart, Tim goes on the defensive.

The idea of becoming successful is the ultimate evil in the Ghetto. It is this mindset that results in people in the Ghetto shaming others from childhood into making sure they never even try to leave.